Chapter 11 - Spoken

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We've felt our failures.
We've watched our passions leave,
but we're still breathing on.

La Dispute - The Last Lost Continent

I actually felt something similar to happiness, in a small way, the smallest of ways, when I walked out into the snow. I hated winter, hated the cold and the wind, but I almost remembered what a true smile felt like as I stood in the middle of the swirling white, free from Jevin, free from my prison, free to do whatever I wanted.

I wanted to run through the gray streets filled with dirty snow and find a forest with a trail. I wanted to lay under an evergreen, my feet at its trunk, my head peeking from under the branches, staring up at the sky, watching the little white flakes settle on the dark green above me. I wanted to breathe in the cold, clean air. I wanted to daydream with my eyes shut and my mind open, my emotions and past ignored. But I couldn't, I knew I had to be smart, safe, hidden, and most importantly, warm. I couldn't do any of the things I wanted if I froze to death first.

I stood outside, my arms outstretched, head thrown back, and watched the perfectly new, clean snow fall for only a minute or two, watching it as it floated down to me from the black night sky broken up by puffs of clouds. I got cold quickly, I always had, and regardless of my new found enjoyment of the winter, I still hated being cold.

Back inside the Clan was pretending to be busy, cooking or reading, except Horn who was snoring softly on one of the cots in the main room, adjacent to the small room I had lived in for the past two and a half weeks. It was almost impressive how quickly the twin had fallen asleep. I could tell those of the Clan that were conscious were watching me every chance they got, when they thought I wouldn't notice. At first I watched them too, keeping my Gift open, listening to their thoughts, but I was surprised by how quickly that bored me.

I wonder if she'll kill us in our sleep? Maybe she'll eat us, do Halflings do that? They probably do.

Why is she alone? Shouldn't she be the leader of a Clan? And what was she talking to Syn about? How was she talking to him? He can't talk...can she read minds? Oh damn, I hope she can't read minds.

Where did she come from? How does no one know who she is? How can she control herself? How can she hide herself? She said she didn't even know her percentage until just before Jevin, but how can a Half not know? Who are her parents? Her allies? She has to have someone, somewhere. No one can survive on their own for long. Well, she isn't joining me an' my brothers. Three days, that's all she gets. We don't get involved in things like this. Lie low, that's how we survive.

I wonder what her name is?

She'll probably kill us in our sleep. I'm not sleeping tonight. I won't let Horn either.

Each mind had a distinct flavor, something I had never noticed before, but sitting in the corner, staring out at the room before me and comparing each of their minds showed me there was certainly a different taste to each, a different aura almost, a hue. Regardless of my discovery, I was uninterested within five minutes.

Halo seemed convinced I was a murderous cannibal who wanted nothing more than to eat him and his twin. Spade seemed intent on no longer thinking anything even remotely interesting after he caught me smirking at him when he thought about the very real possibility of me being a mind-reader. Chimarah simply seemed curious about me, a little guarded, but she wasn't thinking of nearly as far-fetched of scenarios as her brothers. Syn's mind was oddly quiet, just occasionally wondering small things about me, my name, my age, my life before the memories he had seen, my Human life and if I had liked it.

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