Chapter 45 - Heros or Villans

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We live in shadows.
We live where darkness hides.
We'll go where no one goes.
We won't give up this fight.

Ruelle - This Is The Hunt

Levi was sitting on a bench near a small lake in one of the larger wooded areas, one I hadn't visited before. It felt strange walking from one forest through clearly indoor hallways to another forest. I almost thought of the artificial areas as truly outdoors now. At least these indoor-outdoor places were never cold. I was glad I was missing the deep winter I knew crawled on outside the Vault's thick walls.

When Levi saw me his face lit up, then he saw James and his smile doubled. Ailech and Ember stayed by the door of the forest, Ailech opening a book right away to discourage conversation and Ember seating herself so she could easily watch Ailech's every movement. I found her crush amusing, at least I had never been that obvious about my own infatuation when I had been with the Clan.

James walked slowly next to me, clearly not excited to be faced with the child mind-reader again.

Hey Jordan, he's feeling queasy, just so you know.

Probably because he can't Shift right now, he feels better when he can, I think.

Shouldn't he talk to Abby about that?


Shouldn't you get him to talk to Abby about that?

I'm not his mother.

Well duh, I know that. You're too young.

That's not what I meant.

By the time our silent conversation was finished, James and I had reached his bench and I sat on one side of him. James looked ambivalent, which came through surprisingly well even with his face's lack of emotion, before he sat on Lee's other side, staring out at the water blankly.

"You can try to not think all you want, I'll still be able to know stuff. I'm not like Jordan, I don't just know your thoughts, I know your mind, and you can't shut that off no matter how hard you try, duh."

Levi's high, little voice rang out in the serene silence as he sat between us, and I realized James had been attempting to quiet his mind, since he couldn't reliably block the boy. I smirked on one side of Lee as I remembered that I had tried the same thing with him on our second meeting. It hadn't worked for me either.

"What is this session supposed to teach Jordan anyway? You're a child."

James' words sounded annoyed, and my name seemed awkward coming from him. Levi just looked up at James, not replying, waiting for my Pair to figure it out on his own. I nudged him as I thought of what a brat he was lovingly. He smiled up at me before looking back to James.

"Blocks then, great. How's she doing?"

He sounded mocking, but I knew he was just annoyed that he couldn't block the boy either. I liked that someone seemed to be able to irritate James like he irritated me.

"I am not irritating, at least, I don't irritate you sis, right?"

I smiled down at him again.

Of course not, and besides, you'd know it if you did.

"Abby says we have to talk out loud when James is around, since he can't do what we can."

Levi replied too sweetly, and I saw James scowl slightly at the reminder that I had a skill he didn't.

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