Chapter 37 - Sickness

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Your knife, my back.
My gun, your head.
You need a doctor baby, you scared?

Asking Alexandria - The Final Episode

I barely made it back to my room before I got sick, the breakfast Jordan made me eat making a second appearance that was far less pleasant than its first. My entire body shivered in cold sweats as I leaned against the wall of the bathroom, doubling over with each new wave of nausea that hit me. My rib made it even worse. I could feel the bone bending in ways it shouldn't under my skin, poking things it shouldn't, grinding like sand against concrete. I'd need a healer unless I took it easy for a couple of days and I really didn't want to do that. I weighed my options; pride or logic, but it wasn't really a contest. I rinsed out my mouth and put on a new shirt, not that it mattered, I'd bleed through in a matter of minutes.

I knocked on Ailech's door a minute later, wishing I knew of another healer close by. I already didn't like him, and it was obvious he was far too fond of Jordan, which meant he probably disliked me even more than I him. The door opened and I saw him try to hide his surprise, an emotion he didn't wear well. I glanced down to the stains already coming through my shirt before looking back at him.

"Care to help?"

His heals were impressive, though I don't think he needed to prod the rib as much as he did to 'get a feel for the break'. All the cuts and bruises disappeared within seconds and four minutes after my arrival I was already heading for the door. Ailech's voice stopped me a moment before I made it to the corridor.

"I know enough about you to know bad things happen to the people around you. Nothing good can come from you. So if you really cared about her you'd keep your distance."

I paused for a moment, my hand hovering an inch from the door handle. I wanted to turn around and tear into him. I wanted to have him be my first victim since my hiatus in the city. The fiery thought ran through my mind that he had no right to try to protect Jordan, to act like he was responsible for her, like he knew anything about me or her or us together, but then I realized he did. He was her keeper here, he was her protector. And if I was going to be believable, if I was going to make my time at the Vault work, I needed him to be her guardian, not me.

"I don't care about her, and I didn't come here to get close to her. I don't need her dead-weight slowing me down. I'll keep my distance."

The words burned in my mouth, but I was sure to keep my voice even, dull, just like I always did. He seemed satisfied with my answer and didn't try to add anything to the conversation as I opened the door. I knew I should have left then, should have let him win, but even with my tight control, my mask perfectly cemented in place, I couldn't let myself roll over for him. For Abraham, sure, in front of Jordan, easily, but him? Something about him made me want to push back, even if just a little. His attitude grated me, like he was skilled in pushing people's buttons.

"You should know that bad things happen to the people closest to her, too."

I glanced back at him, letting my eyes darken, letting black swallow them for a flicker. I flashed my teeth as I spoke.

"My kind isn't meant to consort with Humans. We play a little too rough."

I felt sick the rest of the day, though thankfully I didn't throw up again. I ended up not spending much time in my room, hoping if Jordan came by to practice I'd be out. I explored the complex instead. Calling it vast wouldn't have done it justice and I found myself impressed with the massive undertaking Abraham had designed. I knew I shouldn't let myself slip into old habits, that I should show him some degree of respect, but it was nearly impossible for me to feel anything but contempt for the old man. He wasn't like my father, he never had been, but he hadn't been a good teacher either. I knew he hadn't had a choice and he hadn't enjoyed it, which made my resentment toward him more bearable, but I still didn't like him being responsible for Jordan, or myself. Living under his rules, how pathetic that was.

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