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Beautiful...Isn't It?...Legends say that the person who manages to set fire to this crystal will gain the power of being immortal. Hm i wonder what it would really be like to be immortal. Living forever. Making it impossible for them to die. This very same crystal can bring joy but it can also bring sadness and sorrow. Some say this crystal is an omen that fell from the sky that should never of been discovered. Some say this crystal is the key to survival to living to bringing peace and harmony. However both are wrong. Nobody knows what this crystal really is, But one thing is for sure that it has always been around and a huge part to my families history. After an elder has died of old age or a member of our clan has died protecting this crystal, it is said that the crystal is then passed down to the next heir. However not just any heir the crystal glows and fragments spew sparks signalling the heir chosen to guard the crystal with their life showing that they are worthy of being its protector. My name is Airi Fujiwara, Im 22 years old, My friends call me Air (if i had any), i have special powers that exceed chakra natures and this is my story.

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