Chapter 6: Confessions

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"Airi im happy you and Hidan despite how much you hate him you both still managed to retrieve the supplies

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"Airi im happy you and Hidan despite how much you hate him you both still managed to retrieve the supplies...well done" Pein said emotionlessly within his godlike voice. "Thank you leader sama" Airi said bowing as she stood up again.

"Leader sama i get the feeling this isn't the only reason why i've been called here to your office" Air replied.

"Indeed, so on our next mission we will be going to the Land of Fire and we will start putting our plans in motion, doesnt that bother you?" Pein asked Air interested in her reply. "Bothered about what?...the fact we are going to the land of fire or that we are putting our plans in motion?....either way im sure you know my answer leader sama" Airi was always clever with the way she used her words the one thing she learned from joining with the Akatsuki and hanging around with the other members.

Suddenly a venus fly trap like creature appeared from the ground it opened up to reveal Zetsu/Black Zetsu. "Ahh...Zetsu perfect timing" Pein said reassuring Zetsu. "Its just like you said leader sama...he is planning to do that" Zetsu and Black Zetsu said finishing off eachothers sentences as always. "I see well this means we should leave as soon as possible let the others know we will leave tonight" Pein said. "Alright" Zetsu replied slithering away into the ground. Zetsu might be the weakest member but he exceeded in sneaking around and gathering information that was his speciality.

"So why so soon?" Airi asked. "Its about the Hidden Leaf....Danzo" these were the only words Pein managed to say before he realised that Airi was angry and upset. "What about that bastard if i ever see that son of a bitch i will kill him, i dislike that man so much you dont understand how frustrated i am everyday, he is the man who slaughtered my entire family even the children, before Konan stumbled upon me he murdered my mother and father and that's how i ended up in the river but at the time i...cant remember much it happened so fast i thought i was going to die but i woke up and thats how i just met Konan and she brought me here".

"I see and Airi so are you familiarised with a certain crystal, the one that belonged to your clan?" Pein asked. "Y...yes but i dont have it i think that bastard stole it the same night he killed my family" Airi said. "Thats all i needed to know, Zetsu has found out some useful information some good and some bad news, so we are correct to suggest that Danzo had the crystal because he does have it which is why Zetsu came before to confirm it, however he's been experimenting on it, he's experimented so much that the crystal has weakened and in this state he thinks he can demolish the crystal and become immortal" Pein informed Air. "NO I WONT LET THAT HAPPEN I WILL KILL HIM WITH MY OWN HANDS HE CANT BECOME IMMORTAL I WONT LET HIM GET AWAY WITH THIS...Leader sama please help me, i consider you all like my new family please help me i will kill him and i will bring the crystal here" Airi said as tears fell from her eyes.


Whilst Airi was talking with Pein about the next mission Deidara was walking past and heard Airi crying so he stopped outside the door to listen and overheard everything her and Pein said hearing this Deidara decided to go outside for a bit he felt bad and sorry for her she was just like him she was pushed to joining the Akatsuki and she just lived with it. Deidara sat outside under a tree staring at the stars in the night sky.


"Thank you leader sama, ill go prepare for the mission" Airi said leaving Pein's office. However she didnt go to her room to prepare she felt to upset as she remembered her family she decided to go outside and she sat under the same tree staring out at the night starry sky. She cried and whaled remembering her family and her childhood but then she suddenly stopped calming herself whiping her tears and just staring at the sky thinking.

"Hey un" Deidara said as he walked and sat next to her. "Hi" Airi said she always loved talking to Deidara she loved telling him everything and sharing her stories with him even though he was young. "Im sorry un" Deidara said. "Sorry..?..for what Dei" Airi said. "I was looking for Sasori no danna and i happened to walk past Leader sama's office and...i heard you cry i was shocked you always seemed so strong and bold but now i know the reason why un" Deidara said as him and Airi stared into eachother's eyes. She always had a crush on him and he really liked her too.


I wonder where Air is she's been gone for such a long time i really wanna apologise to her and make it up to her fuck man i know im not used to this shit but i cant help it i feel like its something i need to fucking do maybe she's outside fuck sake this bitch is always running off on her own. Hidan left the Akatsuki base as he also made his way up the hill to the tree he quickly hid behind a bush he could see Deidara and Airi talking. Great that son of a bitch is here, i never liked him, always bragging on about his art and now he tries stealing her away from me, wait what am i saying she's not even mine, i doubt she fucking likes me, i dont even know whats going on in my head arrrrrgggh this is so annoying why do i feel like this, what the heck is this anyways.

Before the flash of Hidan's eyes he saw something that made him feel like never before he felt sad, broken inside and hard to admit but jealous too very jealous Hidan's head boiled he grinded his teeth and cupped his fists as he quickly left the bushes storming back into the Akatsuki base. Yes it was true before Hidan's very eyes Deidara and Airi were kissing. Fuck this shit, fuck that bitch and that kid ill kill him, ill kill her ill fucking sacrifice em all to lord jashin DO YOU HEAR ME LORD JASHIN. Hidan said who was now in his bedroom. His knees were on the floor the stench of blood filled the air as he stabbed himself countless times. Hmph why the heck should i care she's nothing to me fuck i need a bitch. Hidan rushed out of the Akatsuki base and went a nearby village where he knew at this time there would be some beautiful women worthy of being sacrificed to Lord Jashin. Hidan did what he always did he raped women and then slaughtered them to Lord Jashin however today he felt enraged and angry he did it through anger and rage and he imagined the whole time that the girls he slept with and used and abused were Air why couldnt he take her out of his head? Has the maniac gone soft?.

- AIRI P.O.V -

"I really like you i always had a thing for you, yeah i know im younger than you un but hey im man enough when i look at my art it always reminds me of you un" Deidara said to Airi as she widened her eyes.

What is this really happeneing is he confessing his feelings for me? I always dreamed before of what it could be like but today its actually happening but why am i not happy? I should be i got what i wanted whats this weird feeling i feel sad. Suddenly she remembered the time she spent with Hidan during their mission, she remembered seeing his toned muscles as he would wash himself in the mornings, how they would both argue and how he saved her life many times and how they worked in sync. Hidan...i...I..... Before she could say anything Deidara placed his lips against hers. WHAT HE FUCKING KISSED ME!!?!?!?.

To Be Continued

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