Chapter 7: Where Do You Go?

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"WHAT?!?!?!?!?....HE KISSED ME...HE STOLE MY FIRST KISS!!!!!!!....This is so weird what am i even doing here. Deidara placed his hands on her body as he got closer and was about to get on top of her to make out with her however...."Deidara STOP, i cant do this, look sorry but...arrrgh i dont know how to explain it...i dont...i dont feel the same way as you really sorry and hey i didnt say you could kiss me..i...i dont know im rather confused of my own heart myself" Airi said. "Air...its ok dont worry about it im sorry i should of asked first but i can tell you dont like me in that way i mean look how uncomfortable you are its not like it used to be un anyways i better go Sasori no danna is probably looking for me un" Deidara said quickly rushing back to his room he felt letdown and sad as a tear left his eye but he quickly wiped it as when he got back to his room he enraged through his art making so many different sculptures readying them for when they would go to the Land of Fire. Deidara made a promise to never look her way again or ever confess his love to anybody he returned to what he always did being an artist.

"Ugh...for god sake i fucked up...why was i so harsh on him...i dont know it was what i wanted at first but now i dont know...where is Hidan anyways its too quiet...that punk probably out fucking bitches and sacrificing them to his precious Lord Jashin hm, he pisses me of but i dont know why am i so happy inside to want to see him what the heck is wrong with me" Airi said to herself as her thoughts fought with eachother, how was she supposed to make any sense of this, in this shinobi world its an extremely difficult place for a konoichi to survive and learn everything on her own, before her mother died she was only a minor and her mother didnt even get to tell her what periods, love, romance, sex or any of it meant i was so young but Konan's helped me time to time explaining everything i dont know how she even survived she's very strong growing up on her own like that. God i remember when she said to me..."


"Oh yeah Air lets make one thing clear, Yes i know your still young and your only just becoming a woman but let me tell you something, as you already know the Akatsuki is full of men and young boys like...Deidara yeah him so please just be careful and dont do anything stupid think before you do anything oh yeah and before you ya know decide to have sex or intercourse with any of them just make sure your erm protected okay? because sex makes babies so always make sure you get supplies from somewhere hmm, Like the village nearby they have plenty of supplies where you can get condoms and pills and tampons or cloth for when you start your periods just gst them yourself or ask me to okay?" Konan said struggling she felt a bit like a mother she wondered if this is what it would be like. "Eww thats gross i dont wanna know any of this it sounds scary like the time i almost died from shock when i saw my panties full of blood" Airi replied. "I know its shocking but its natural and you will get a lot of urges for sex and other stuff so just be careful" Konan said. "Ok i will" Airi replied smiling.


"Oh Jashin that was so cringy, i bet Konan felt even worse" Airi thought. "I know why dont i go speak to her maybe she know's what to make of this". Airi thought fo herself rushing off to speak to Konan. She ran up the stairs and down the hallway all the way to Konan's bedroom. Before knocking she took a deep breath. She finally knocked. "Come in" Konan said in a low quiet usual tone.

"Oh Airi i heard that you and Hidan did an awesome job on the mission well done" Konan said smiling. "Th..thank yoh sis" Airi replied. "Well come take a seat next to me its been a while since we had one of our chats" Konan said as Airi listened and came and sat next to her on her bed. Konan was such a sweet woman despite everything she went through but she was extremely tough i think she is one person who Airi would definitely not want to piss off.

"So what did you want to talk about?" konan asked Air. "I dont know how to explain this like i dont even know where to start, its like everthing around me is happening so fast, my head feels like its going to explode and my heart is aching so bad, i fucking hate Danzo and the Hidden Leaf, Deidara fucking kissed me and Hidan HE FUCKING PISSES ME OFF SO MUCH BUT I FUCKING LOVE HIM!!!!!!" Airi yelled out of frustration. Air's eyes widened she just realised what she blurted out. "Shshshhh dont cry, my you have been busy hehe ok stop crying and let me from the beguinning" Konan said hugging Air as Air blurted into tears she then started explaining everything to Konan.

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