Chapter 8: I Accept My Fate

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They had been staring into eachother's eyes for a few moments and it felt like an eternity like they had always known eachother like these feelings were familiar even though neither of them have felt true love before as they refused to acknowledge having it in their chaotic lives. Suddenly Hidan remembered her and Deidara kissing earlier so he quickly let go and walked past her quickly towards his own room. Airi wondered why he acted like this without saying a word why he was so quiet and his cloak was covered in blood.

"Hidan where were you?" Aori asked him. Hearing her voixe he stopped in his footsteps and said "why the fuck would you care where i been?", Airi felt startled and a bit upset now she was for definite that he didnt like her back so what was the point in her even declaring her feelings for such a ruthless man. "" Was all she could say as she was unsure of what to say to him and this pissed him off even more. "Listen princess im fucking tired i dont have time for you" Hidan said as he walked away rushing to his bedroom. Airi felt hurt watching the man she loved walk away from her like this ignoring her and treating her like shit she wondered what she had done and if it was worth it, her eyes filled with tears as she was now standing alone near the entrance of the base in the darkness of the night and cold winds that flustered throughout the cave.

Maybe i should of gone with Deidara maybe he was right for me but i guess now its too late and Hidan he doesnt even care i dont think he's the type of guy to fall in love i should just forget about him Airi thought to herself as she made her way to her bedroom, she still had to pack her things for the mission but she didnt even feel like doing but she still did. As she looked through her supplies and her weapons she saw her kunai she picked it up and held it in her hand. She walked towards her mirror and looked at herself. She ran the kunai flat across her neck and then across her wrists she thought to herself it would be so easy for her to just end her miserable life within a mere second the pain would only last a short while. Then she remembered what her mother said to her the night before she was going to be announced and made the next heir.


That very same night the young minor Airi stood in front of her bedroom mirror looking at herself wondering if she was ready to take this burdon. She was an exceptional shinobi who geaduated at such a young age and she also spent a few months within the ANBU however she decided to resign from their as she had to become the next heir.

"What are you looking at?" Air's mother said in a lovely soft tone staring at her standing in her bedroom doorway. "Nothing mother i...i was just looking at the girl ive become thinking about how far ive come but yet it doesnt feel like ive achieved anything as though it was handed right to me" Airi replied. "Dont say such things you worked as hard as any other leaf shinobi out there and everyone, the hokage, your father and i, the monks they're all happy and are extremely proud of you, never look back one thing a shinobi must always do is keep noving forward no matter how hard or how painful his past is because the future is just as difficult and unpredictable anything can happen and right now it was your destiny to be made the next heir" Airi's mother said walking up to her and hugging her beloved daughter her only child.

"Mother can i tell you something, i know upfront i might seem so bold and heroic or even strong to others but inside im scared im worried and afraid to look at my future" Airi replied in a soft saddened tone as her eyes filled with tears. "Aww, dont cry sweetheart, being afraid, the cause of fear and the fear itself are all experiences and are a part of life, fear, pain, anger, sorrow all these are elements to life, key elements that makes a person become stronger and more wiser, i want you to know that even if someday i or your father may die , our strong will, the will of fire and courage will always be by your side no matter what happens, all you need to do is remember us, because someday you will carry burdons of your own and you will pass on that bond to someone else just as i have passed it onto you" Airi's mother said hugging her as Air hugged back she thought to herself that tomorrow was going to be a strange day indeed.

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