Chapter 1: Remember Me

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"Today we are gathered to choose the next heir, Lord Indrol has passed away, he served the clan, the council and protected the crystal faithfully all these years and today is the day we decide who will carry on his legacy" Said a keeper.

Keepers are like monks that guard the sacred temple where the crystal is kept safely. Just like the heir their duty is to bless members of the clan with prayers as the crystal provides health and prosperity to the sick and dying and wealth to the poor. Monks are also fully fledged Jonin that make sure nobody goes in or comes out of the temple. The thing is with our clan we have a unique technique just like the Uchiha with the Sharingan and the Hyuga with the Byakugan. We all have unique silver hair that shines brightly like an angel in the horizon but the crystal provides us with powers that exceed chakra natures.

However as we get older our hair loses its colour making our hair look like ash signifying our age, experience and rank and our powers grow stronger but eventually fade along with us but legends say if the crystal is set on fire the one who manages this will be the one who is granted immortality, keeping their powers forever and can never die no matter how old they get but nobodys ever managed to do this as the crystal always refuses the flame.

"Im so proud my baby is finally all grown up and ready to become the next heir that's such an honour to our family" said Airi's mother. 'Look at her, im so proud of her she graduated from the academy, then she became a Chunin, Jonin at such a young age and now an heir and look even the Hokage has come to congratulate her" Said Air's father smiling and cheering for his beloved daughter.

"Airi im extremely proud of you, you are a protector of not only the crystal and your clan but the leaf village as well, when trouble arises it will be your duty to protect and look over the weak, the sick, the pure and innocent". Said the Third Hokage. "Lord Third will you do the honour's and place Gladin on the young heir's shoulder's" Asked the leader of the keeper's. Gladin is a holy blade, a katana that's been passed down for generations in our clan to knight protector's of the crystal. "As you wish,...Airi Fujiwara i now name you a protector, the next heir of the crystal, may you protect it with your life, the path you walk will be full of sorrows, pain and danger will be around every corner, but the will of fire is strong in you and it will burn our enemies to dust" said Lord Third as he placed the blade gently on each shoulder of Air's.

"Thank you Lord Hokage, i wont let you down, i wont let any of you down" Air said as she bowed in a sign of respect. It has always been difficult for Air she had to mature at such a young age. Training hard and working hard understanding her goals and her role in this life.


'Hiruzen is it wise to let them guard such a relic that's belonged to the hidden leaf for so many years, its ridiculous and that clan too proud, Hiruzen you know i only make choice's to protect the hidden leaf" Danzo Lord Third's right hand advisor said. For many years Danzo has been a rival to the third Hokage wanting to take his place and rule the hidden leaf.

"Danzo you will not act without my permission, your job is to only take care and lead the foundation nothing more and nothing less" Lord Third said as he sat in his chair in the Hokage's office. "Hiruzen my way of running things is different from your's" Danzo said in a sinister deep voice as he left the office closing the door behind him. "Whatever happen's i will have that crystal for my research, Orochimaru can help me and maybe later on down the line that fox brat can be controlled with this crystal and with the help of the sharingan" Danzo thought to himself.

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