-Dr. Parker- ~Part Three~

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Nathan's POV:

I washed my dirty clothes along with Max's clothes when I got home. While waiting for them to dry, I started my homework. I finished my work the same time the clothes washed and dried. Dad picked up some food on his way home and a cookbook for me. He asked about my day and I told him everything minus the things Mikey did.

I thought you were good in sports. Dad said unimpressed when I told him about gym.

I am. I'm just not agressive enough to play them. I said.

After dinner I went to bed and woke up the next morning. I made some tea and drove to school. I saw Nareesha and Kelsey on one side of the parking lot and on the other Tom and Jay staring at me. I didn't see Max with them so I was kinda disappointed. I walked over to the Parker's and handed Jay, Max's clothes.

Thanks again. Is Max here? I asked them.

He's at home. Sick. Jay said while Tom looked me over not impressed. I started to feel a little self-conscious so I excused myself. I went through the day again, talking with Nareesha, Kelsey, & Jay. Made fun of by Mikey and doing the same in gym as I did the day before. The next day, Max wasn't there. The same with the next day. On Friday, my gym teacher made me the ball boy and told me not to mention that to the principal. She told me I'd get a free A so I agreed.

*Next week*

On Monday, I got to school early so I parked my truck and leaned against it drinking my tea and reading my book. I had my headphones in listening to music. I noticed The Parker's over by their car talking to each other. Max met my eyes and I looked down. Next thing I know I'm in his arms on the opposite side of my truck as something crashes into my truck on the other side.

Are you ok? Max asked me.

How did you...weren't you just...I'm really dizzy. I said as people started screaming my name. Max lay me gently on the ground and then darted off.

I found him!!! Nathan are you ok?!! Kelsey asked loudly. I held my head and passed out..

I groaned waking up on a bed. I opened my eyes to see my dad's worried face. I saw him press a button next to my bed and a young looking doctor walked in. I read his nametag.

How are you feeling Nathan? Dr. Parker asked me.

Better. I said as he nodded.

Are you related to Max and Jay and Tom? I asked him

Yes I'm their father. Know them? Dr. Parker asked.

Yeah. Max saved me. From being crushed. I said.

Oh he did? Your very lucky. You can leave now. Get some advil and maybe take tomorrow off for sleep. Dr. Parker told me.

I walked out with my dad who had to check me out. Dad told me to go wait by his car which wasn't hard to miss so I walked outside. On my way I saw Tom and Max appearing to be arguing about something. I peeked at them, but somehow they heard me and Tom stomped in my direction.

Why are you eavesdropping?! Tom shouted in my face. My head still hurt so I grabbed my ears.

Tom. Dr. Parker said coming out of nowhere.

Tom walked away with Dr. Parker as Max came to my side.

Are you ok? He didn't mean to shout. Max said.

Yeah um I have a question. I told him.

What? Max asked.

How did you get to me so fast? I asked him.

I was walking toward you and I saw the car so I started running. I'm an athlete by the way. Max told me.

You weren't walking towards me. You were talking to Tom and Jay. I said remembering.

You hurt your head. Get some rest.  Max said putting his cool hand on my head. It felt so good so I leaned into his touch.

Nathan? Dad asked.

Oh this is my friend M- I started to say,  but Max was gone.

Um I think you need rest. Dad said leaning me to his car.

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Thanks for the reads, votes & comments :) ♥♥♥ Next part later today :)

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