(V1) Prologue

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     "This is it

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"This is it. The new place."
The blue, somewhat dirty map was place on the old, wooden table. The two men surrounding it studied carefully. The dozens of workers around them made lots of noise, and their voices were barely audible.
"It looks great," the other partner commented casually, in a smooth voice. He wore a plain bright yellow shirt and long blue jeans that almost completely covered his shoes. He was a bit tall for someone as skinny as himself, especially at his young adult age. He brushed aside his brown hair with a clean hand, having done some work around the run down building.
The other man, however, was a bit more shorter and older, and had a stressed look about him. He wore a plaid red and black shirt with black shorts. He had black shaggy hair, and his gray eyes stared at the other man, waiting for his comments.
The brown haired man pointed to a spot on the map. "Stage . . . yes." He pointed again to a spot nearby. "Dining . . . yes. This looks all good to go--" His focus caught to a particular spot somewhere away from the main drawing that was not labeled. "What's this, Henry?" he asked, staring at him, faintly suspicious.
Henry was silent for a moment, trying to remember, and then said, "Oh, yea . . . There's a small room in this building that I didn't think for. This could be the back room, maybe, where workers change into animatronic suits—safe suits, though."
The other man grunted softly.
One of the construction workers entered the room they were discussing in. He was older than both of them, had wide shoulders, and looked tough.
"Um, boss?" he said in a deep, gruffly voice, turning to Henry. "I think we're ready to move in the furniture, then the robots."
"So, you found out how to make them?" the brown-haired man interrupted thoughtfully. "I thought you said it would take longer."
"I know, I know. I figured it out faster than I thought it would. You should check it out sometime," Henry suggested. He turned back to the worker. "I'll be there in a bit, Jake."
Jake nodded and left the room quickly, yelling orders to his coworkers.
"So, it's done then?" the tall man asked as Henry turned around. "Wow. I can't believe this. 'Grand opening of Fredbear's Family Diner,'" he exclaimed, waving his arms out like he could see it right there and then. "We're gonna be rich." He gave a rascally grin.
"We gotta wait a bit more, William. We're almost there," Henry told him patiently. He got out of his seat and left the room, leaving William Afton to ponder where this business possibly could lead him to.

End of Prologue

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// this font is cringe sorry LOL
        - 2022 sam

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