(V1-B) Chapter 21 - Encountering Problems

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     Michael wrinkled his nose and entered the room.

     It was obvious William hadn't showered for days, but he ignored it as his father shut the door to a room he had never noticed before in the back of Freddy's restaurant.

     William kept humming a weird tune as he continued to latch a couples of locks on the side of the door, Michael shifting behind him.

     He paused. "Have you looked, yet?" William asked in a rusty voice, not turning towards Michael. "I gave you plenty of time," he reminded, rolling his tongue.

     Michael had grown tall fast, and he now looked like a 16-year-old., his dark brown hair now messy.

     He shivered, remembering what he had done the previous night. He knew he would never forget. "Y-yes. . . ."

     William gave a huge, insane grin under his hat, turning towards his son so he could notice it, though his eyes didn't show. "Describe it."

     Despite wanting to protest, the glint of the knife on William's side warned him not to. Michael fidgeted with his fingers, and took a deep breath.

     "It was dark going down, and your yellow machine thing mistook me for some kind of food." He gulped, thinking he said it wrong. "And when I went out to find them, I found all of them but one."

     William suppressed laughter. "Which one?" he toyed.

     Michael looked down. "Amanda's."

     Losing control, his laugh echoed through the room and it gave both of them goosebumps. "You did what I asked. Good for you," he said, acting like Michael was a pet. He turned around and his finger lingered on the first lock. "One last thing," he said lightly. "What did you do to her?"

     Michael's legs shook violently, and he pondered whether to tell him the truth or not.

     William eyed him. "Well?" His voice turned sharp. "Tell me!"

     "I-I . . ." he froze, an annoyed look crossing his face. "I tried to scoop her, just like you told me to, but I couldn't! She kept . . ." His voice grew soft, and he started to tear up. ". . . going away." He looked away, hoping William wouldn't notice he lied.

     The man stared at him crossly. "You did the main part. You'll survive," he told him, opening the door. "Oh, and remember. . ."

     "No telling anyone," Michael repeated dully.

     William smiled again, but not as much as the first. "And not even your little friends."


     Goldie zoomed around the dining area, teleporting quickly to a different place each time. The other robots sat at the stage watching. After Goldie finished by appearing in front of them, they clapped, Chica's being the most enthusiastic. The Puppet just stared at him from the side of the stage with beady eyes.

     "Well, now that it's done, are we ready to begin our full plan?" the Marionette asked.

     "Yes, yes . . . fine . . ." Goldie replied, tired, "but I'm done for tonight. That teleporting thing was hard. Give me another night." He disappeared without another word.

     The Puppet shook his head, depressed. "We'll never get to it at this rate." He started to head to his box in the Parts & Service room.

     Freddy rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Then just let us do it again tonight."

     "It's not the same," Puppet argued, turning back to glare at him.

     Freddy shrugged and wandered off to the right hallway.

     Foxy groaned. "What do you want us to do, then?" he protested.

     "Watch out for him tomorrow. Both of them. Tell me anything that can help or seems suspicious."

     The group disbanded after a couple more arguments, but Chica was still sitting when Bonnie was the last one to leave. He had said nothing the entire time.

     "Hey, Bonnie," she said. "Are you okay?"

     He stared at her. "No one has acted nice after all that happened. Now I'm wondering if we're even friends anymore."

     Chica watched Foxy climb back into his stage. "Same here. I still feel revenge and all, but no one talks to me."

     Bonnie sat down again. "I'm here."

     "That's sweet of you, but it won't change the other two." She looked to Freddy after Foxy moved his curtains up. He was staring through the window to the office. Both doors were shut for some reason, even though there wasn't a night guard.

     He scooted closer. "You don't have to worry about them. It's just us right now."

     Chica looked away, trying not to blush. "Maybe some other time?"

     Bonnie stayed silent, but stood up again. "Okay. Sorry about that."

     Chica watched him go join Freddy, guilt stabbing her in the heart. She stared down at her cupcake, who was perfectly still. When will he understand? she thought to it.

// I think I attempted some frisky love at this part. Not well thought-through.
- sam 2022

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