(V1) Chapter 8 - We Are Your Friends

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Sammy went over to a party table containing six kids about his age, one of them Dan. All the plates had pizza on it, except for one (which was probably Sammy's). There was a big cake in the center of the table, candles already lit and blown out, smoke hanging in the air.

"So?" Dan asked as Sammy sat next to him. Sammy didn't know what to reply.

"Y-yea," he lied, hugging his bear. Dan looked down at the bear and gasped.

"You have a Fredbear Plush? Those cost a lot of tickets! I wish I had one, though. Maybe when I get my tickets at the arcade it'll be enough."

Sammy nodded reluctantly and looked up to see the other kids. There were three other boys and two girls.

The first kid looked the oldest, and he had dark brown hair that lightened at the tips. He wore a plain gray T-shirt and black shorts. His brown eyes matched his hair, and he sat to the left of Dan.

He was talking to the second kid across from him, who was a girl with blond hair. She wore a matching yellow shirt and white leggings. Her blue eyes looked calm.

The third kid to the left of the second, who was apparently the birthday kid, had black hair, a purple shirt and jeans. He was arguing with a red headed boy next to him wearing a white shirt and black jeans whether Fredbear or Spring Bonnie was better.

The last girl, though, had red hair in pigtails. She had green eyes and a red shirt and skirt. She was sitting directly in front of Sammy.

Sammy noticed that he had seen her before around the neighborhood he recently moved to. He had seen her playing with plastic Fredbear and Friends dolls, and when he went to go say hello, she told him the robots would come and kill him if they could.

It didn't help out Sammy at all, so he put up Fredbear to hide his face from her at the table.

"Who's he, Dan?" interrupted the brown hair boy. He had stopped talking to the girl and turned around, pointing to Sammy.

"Don't worry, Charlie. He seemed sad under the table by the prize counter so I invited him in," Dan replied.

Charlie leaned to the side and looked over to Sammy. "So you're the guy that was hiding under there? What from?"

The girl that talked to Charlie leaned over to get a good look.

"He won't tell," Dan put in. "But his brother is that Michael bully that stole Dylan's present."

Dylan stopped talking to the red head and looked over to Dan, having heard his name and the bully's. "Excuse me?"

"I'm sorry," Sammy quickly put in quietly, feeling bad.

"Don't be, I just . . . hate him . . . ya know?" Dylan sighed. "Sorry if that hurts you, being his brother and all--"

"No," Sammy told them suddenly. "I hate him too."

The blond girl glanced quickly at Sammy. "Do you have any other friends?"

Sammy hadn't thought of friends in a long time. He didn't have any close ones, really, his whole life.

The girl noticed Sammy frowning, and said, "Well, we can be your friends. We come here a lot, too. I'm Sarah, by the way . . . ." She smiled.

Sammy looked up, and for once in a very long time, he smiled too.

The red head girl chipped in. "Sorry about scaring you . . ." she smiled. "But it's true; what robots can do."

"June, give it a rest," the red haired boy put in laughing. "You have to put in a say to everything."

"Aw, come on, its fun to, Haden!" June laughed too, and soon everyone was eating pizza and laughing. So was Sammy.


Later after eating, Dan turned to Sammy and pointed at his plush animal. "Can you help me get tickets for that? I love him too -- Fredbear, I mean. I would like to have one."

Sammy was about agree and go with him, until a cold hand grabbed his shoulder.

Sammy turned around and saw his nightmare.

"Where you going, twerp?" Michael boomed down on him.

Sammy stared at Michael and his friends behind him, frozen, until Dan came up behind him and came in front.

"Leave him alone, he hasn't done nothing to you." Dan glared at Michael.

"Are you sure about that, 'Dan-nerd?'" The teens behind him laughed.

Dan got in front of his face. "Leave him alone or I'll tell your dad again, just like I did with Dylan!"

It seemed to work, because Michael backed away from him. "I'm only scared of him because he's insane." Michael tapped his foot, then turned to his friends. "Let's go," he murmured as he and his friends went to their corner.

Sammy turned to Dan, who was behind him again, and smiled.

"Don't worry, your dad is crazy," Dan put in as they walked to the arcade, "but its good enough to threaten Michael."

"He'll find a way to scare me again though," Sammy put in, slowing down.

"For now, Sam, you got us. The others are waiting, come on!"

Dan grinned and ran, but Sammy only sped up a bit, lingering behind.

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