(V1) Chapter 14 - Taunting Echoes

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2 days until the party.

"You have to get up."

The bear ensured the boy as he was under the table by the entrance again. Tears were swimming in Sammy's eyes. For some reason, even though Fredbear was not with him this time, he still heard his voice.

"You can get out this time, but you have to hurry," Fredbear pushed.

Dabbing his eyes with the band of his shirt, Sammy crawled out from under the table and twirled to the direction of the entrance door.

Fredbear isn't near here, Sammy thought as he crept towards the way out.

Light poured in as he pushed the door out. It was mid-afternoon, but there weren't as many cars as usual, maybe because it was such a nice day to be out. He walked down the few steps leading to the sidewalk and went on his way home. Michael had left him again; therefore he would have to go by himself.

As he came towards the end of the sidewalk, he noticed a girl with dirty-blond hair. She wore a green shirt, and brown pants that complimented her hair. She was holding a small, dirty plush that seemed to be a weird shape of Spring Bonnie. Sammy had seen her in the neighborhood, five houses down on the opposite side of the road.

"Where is your plush toy?" she asked Sammy as he instinctively looked down to see Fredbear, but only saw his bare arms. "Mine is Spring Bonnie," she continued. "My Daddy says I have to be careful with him or I will pinch my finger."

Sammy shivered.

"He is a finger trap, he says."

As the girl trailed off, Sammy made a quick escape. He went to the end of the sidewalk he was currently on, and turned down to the new one leading downward through a grassy area.

"You better watch out!" Sammy heard as he passed by, not noticing June. She apparently didn't notice the tears on Sammy's face, probably because the sun was too bright.

Here comes another rumor story . . .

"I hear they come to life at night," June's high voice told him. "And if you die, they hide your body and never tell anyone."

Sammy froze. How did she know? he thought. Do other people see them . . . ?

"Why do you look so worried? See you at the party!" June giggled.

Sammy regained his motion and walked down to the main road, where he was interrupted by a teenager wearing a green tank top and blue shorts, leaning against a fence while sitting on the curb.

"Aren't you the kid who always hides under the table and cries?" he chimed.

When Sammy turned pink with embarrassment, the boy started laughing.

"Hahaha! No one else is scared! Why are you? Stop being such a baby!"

Tears regrew again as he left the chuckling teen, walking down the side of the street, going near his house.

I always get picked on all the time, thought Sammy, but they're even worse to me today . . .

Passing a blue car, he clutched his sides, seeing a kid in front of him, wearing a smug face. He wore a red shirt and blue pants, and he held a pink balloon that was obviously from the restaurant, bearing its title in ink.

"Are you going to the party?" he asked quietly, with a look of curiosity. "Everyone is going to the party."

When the boy saw Sammy's confused face, he burst out laughing.

"Oh wait, you have to go! It's YOUR birthday!"

The echos of his laugh followed him as he went down the street and through the yard of to light blue house, entering inside.

Everything was quiet in the living room, but Fredbear was on the couch, looking at Sammy.

"Be careful," he whispered.

Wondering what he meant, Sammy walked past the couch and the grandfather clock, reaching the door to his room. It creaked open as it slowly moved out from the boy's gentle push.

Then, only two steps in, the horrible figure of Foxy swung out from the bed, screeching and scaring Sammy so badly that he fell, weeping and covering his head with his hands.

The laughs of all the neighborhood kids, including Michael's, was echoing through his brain, until it was all silenced with a gentle, soothing voice:

"Tomorrow is another day."


1 day until the party.

The bangs echoed through the dark and silent room. Plush Fredbear was not with him. Only the glare of the endoskeletons and masks.

Michael had tricked him, leaving him in the Parts and Service room. Sammy knew Michael had his plush again and was joking around with it.

Sammy hit the door again, tears falling down his face and onto the floor. With the best, firm voice he could manage, Sammy begged, "Please let me out."

Seconds pass, and no sounds were returned. Sammy snapped his head around, and saw the heads of endoskeletons peering at him, masks staring, and a suit containing . . .

Sammy whipped his head back over and banged the door even harder is time.

"PLEASE!" he yelled.

Sammy cowered as he thought he heard something clang with another object behind him.

". . . please let me out . . ."

He fell to the ground, shaking, hoping for Fredbear's voice to sooth him one last time.

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