(V1) Chapter 2 - Down to Business

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     William saw a faint light in the dark, and it turned brighter when Henry turned the light on and sat down at a desk in the compact room.
The room was small and tightly packed. The walls contained a mixture of drawings kids made earlier that week and some blueprints of which William didn't recognize. His eyes glanced over to the big clipboard behind Henry filled with about a dozen blueprints. William sat down in the chair opposite to Henry, looking around in faint amazement.
     Henry still held onto his excitement, and he took out a paper from behind him, placing it on the desk towards his colleague. William's attention turned back to Henry.
     Henry cleared his throat and said, "We were proposed to."
"What do you mean, Henry?" William asked, slightly confused.
"I mean, look here."
     He scooted the paper closer to William, giving him a chance to read the business letter. Henry bent down under his desk after a few moments and brought out something large, carefully placing it on the edge of his desk. William looked up and gasped slightly, his eyes bright.

//another reminder, second render here

To William, it looked like a brown bear head with a black top hat, looking very similar to Fredbear. There was nothing else inside of it; there were no robot parts. But it still contained tiny metal objects on the sides. It looked like a costume mask he could put on himself.
"A . . . bear head?" William asked slowly, glancing up to Henry.
"You know how I've been working in my office for a while now?" he explained. "I am starting to work on some sister locations for our company. Spread out business more. Someone just proposed an offer on a building that I could use for these."
William gave him confused look, raising an eyebrow.
"A sister location," he repeated blandly. "Different locations belonging to the same main company. Don't you remember what I taught you..?" He rolled his eyes jokingly and turned to the bookshelf behind him.
     William nodded his head, looking down to the model again, no longer studying it but touching it carefully. He grunted. "Henry, think about it. This place is only lasting about 2 months so far. Are you sure you don't want to wait and get more bucks before we do this?"
"The building company lowered the cost of the payment, so I'm sure it'll be fine," Henry sighed, waving his hand. "You want to see the animatronics?"
"As long as it doesn't take long; I have to get back to Elizabeth," he said excitedly.


"Wow . . . These robots . . !" William was gaping at the four tall animatronics that stood before him. They were inside the backroom, so it was dark, quiet, and a bit humid. The animatronics seemed a bit more advanced than what he would be able to build himself.
"Some other technicians helped me." Henry walked over to the back of them and turned on one that looked like the finished product of the bear head in the office. He wore a black top hat and bow, with blue eyes, and had a microphone.
The animatronic suddenly sprang to life, making William jump. The bear's jaw moved to the words perfectly as he spoke. "Ha-ha-ha, welcome kids," said a metallic but bright voice, "to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza! My name is Freddy Fazbear! Let's have some fun!"
Henry turned it off, and the animatronic shuddered, standing lifeless once more.
"Freddy Fazbear's Pizza," he repeated, patting Freddy on his shoulder. "Four animatronics. Bonnie the Bunny," he named, motioning to the blue-purple robot next to Freddy holding a red electric guitar and wearing a red bow.
"Chica the Chicken." He walked to a yellow chicken robot holding a pink cupcake and wearing a bib saying, "Let's Eat!"
"Foxy the Fox." He motioned to a red foxy with an eye patch on his right eye and a hook replacing one of his hands. He wore light brown shorts and a pirate hat that seemed removable.
And, finally, as Henry walked back to the first robot, he said, "The star of it all is Freddy. Do you like it?"
Still gaping a bit, he joked, "It looks like more money to me."
"Yes it is," Henry said, chuckling. "Also, I got together with a television company last week—though I forgot to tell you—and they said it would be great to have a chance to make a TV series about these robots. Kids could love it!"
Eventually, they both left the room in a quiet discussion and soon broke off. Henry saw to his two children—a young child and a teen—telling them to go have fun. William went to his daughter, who was eating pizza at a lonely table.
"Hello, honey," he said as he kissed her tiny head. "Happy birthday."
     She giggled in reply. Today was her first day here, for her birthday, after being babysit so long by one of the family's neighbors every time William left the house.
As he looked around, lots of kids were following a Fredbear costume (William knew it was a fellow worker) holding cake over to the table the small family was at. William stepped back as many kids gathered around Elizabeth, introducing themselves and talking to her. Some, though, that already knew her from around the same neighborhood, wished her a happy birthday.
More workers came over and all together, as Elizabeth was giving her biggest smile yet, sang Happy Birthday.

End of Chapter 2


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