(V1-R) Chapter 19 - Scars and Kills

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Beginning of Red Route

     Michael let go of the door behind him and a bell chimed before it shut. The smell of pizza and sweat entered his nose as he walked forward. This was Michael's last refuge. The place where his brother wasn't taken. Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria.

     It had been a couple of months since it, and Michael was being haunted by the memories. If only that didn't happen, his life would be easier. Way easier.

     Michael's hand instinctively went to the right side of his chest and he winced on touch. It hadn't healed yet since it. The mark was still baby-pink and raw. It was long and went all the way around his side, but it wasn't that wide.

     Issac waved as he pranced over to Michael, looking depressed. Michael's mood had effected everyone in the group, though they said nothing about it. Issac wore his favorite green shirt and his brown flat hair casually pointed up at the tips. His brown eyes studied Michael as he slowed to a stop.

     "Still there?" Issac asked, nodding his head towards the scar. Michael nodded reluctantly.

     Issac gave a sigh and both of the teenagers went over to their usual table.  Ethan and Walt were there too, also taking in the usual depression.

     Ethan wore his blue jacket and Walt was wearing a red long sleeved shirt. Ethan's black hair was uncontrollable while Walt's blond hair was graceful. The boys took notice of each other and then started to discuss about everyday things, though it always went back to Michael's scar.

     "Dude . . . are you still not gonna tell us about what happened?"

     Michael took a moment to consider. "No, Ethan, and don't keep asking."

     Walt glared suspiciously, putting both his hands on the table as if making a speech. "If you don't tell us, then how will we know how to help you?" The others agreed and nodded their heads.

     Walt had been a pretty good arguer all his life. He won't let you go until he says what he needs to.

     Michael stopped again. "Fine," he surrendered. "But promise you won't tell anyone."

      After a couple of minutes, Michael began his story.

     "It was a night I was seeing what my 'dad' was doing, and turns out he was going into the back shed for something, probably for that Circus Kid thing. As he came out, he looked in my direction, and I swore he noticed me. He looked insane.

     "Then I went into my room and hurried into my bed. And then I felt something, that I wasn't alone, ya know?"

     Everyone else gave looks of confusion, and Michael continued his story awkwardly.

     "I fell asleep a bit after, and then I woke up after hearing my door open sharply.

     "It was probably three in the morning, and my dad was holding something; I couldn't see it well. He then pushed me out of bed and held me by the throat. Then he did it with whatever it was. It was hard enough to make me pass out.

     "When I woke up, Dad wasn't home . . ."

     The others were looking at him in disgust as Michael talked about other incidents. He later gave a sigh and rubbed his strip of flesh.

     "For some reason, this thing won't heal. I dunno why."

     The three other boys looked at each other for explanation.


     Dan saw everything first person, too. He knew how Michael felt, and his feelings softened for the teenager. He felt their pain, too. If only Dan could help.

     Something was grabbing him from the pizzeria. It was distant, but he knew who it came from.

     Dan felt himself being pulled until he found himself in front of Lucas.

     "Tell me everything," he whispered.


     The body lied unconsciously on the floor. Foxy made ungraceful movements from his head and ripped off the night guard's hat. With one stroke of a hook, he was killed.

     "Haden." Freddy's hoarse voice jumped out from behind Foxy. "Where will we hide him now?"

     Foxy froze until his ears started to twitch. "Suit?"

     "Perfect," Freddy replied. His heavy footsteps faded, leaving Foxy with the bloody man.

     Foxy's hook swooped under the collar of the guard's uniform and he dragged him out of the office, making slow and careful steps. He passed by Bonnie, who was waiting at the door of the Parts and Service room, and entered, finding the marionette with Dan.

     The puppet stopped Foxy and stared at the guard. He then shook his head slowly. "Try again next time."

     Great, Foxy thought. Another one that isn't.

     Using his other hand, Foxy picked up the night guard and stuffed him in a spare Bonnie suit in the far corner of the room that would be destroyed the following morning. He then placed the mask on top of his head, and heard lots of clicks in the body, releasing more blood.

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