(V1-R) Chapter 20 - Closing Down

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William looked around at the once beloved restaurant. It lost its smell and was in near darkness. It would seem at home if children's laughs and giggles were present, but it left an empty hole.

He walked over to the side of the right wall, felt for a switch, and flipped it up. The lights flickered and eventually turned on, giving a soft hum. The tables and chairs were back in their usual position, ready for kids to tackle them the following day.

Carefully watching his footsteps in case he stepped on trash, he quietly made his way toward the stage area. William stopped in front of the animatronics, and glanced around to make sure no one was present.

William suddenly felt embarrassed. No one will come here, fool. Everyone's too scared to come back. The pizzeria closed yesterday. Still, he couldn't shake it off.

He admired Henry's work on the pair, and then grabbed Fredbear by its left shoulder, giving a rattling jerk toward him. It barely budged, so he grabbed his waist and gave more harder tugs until it snapped out of its pole that kept it on the stage.

Almost crippling under the weight, he pushed the bear off himself and it gave a huge bang as it toppled into a sitting position on the floor. William cringed, and looked around again. After a couple minutes of silence, he went to the rabbit and started working on it as well.

One pull on the shoulder and a couple pulls on the legs brought it down. Since it was lying on the floor, he brought up the torso and made it sit.

William then left the room and came back with a cart and began working Fredbear into it, glancing around occasionally. He then got Spring Bonnie into it as well, and slowly rolled them out.


William opened a door to a secret room in Fazbear's Pizzeria. It made a squeaking noise that told William it needed to be oiled. The cart rolled in silently and, minutes later, clanging sounds came from the robots that were thrown in like toys.

William wiped his hands on his light-colored shirt, and started working to disable them as the only light above him quivered.

He knelt to Fredbear and opened its upper head with a deafening squeal, which revealed dry blood no one cared to clean. He then worked his way through the spring locks, carefully inching his fingers intricately down its back. In the end, a trio of clicks told him his work was complete.

William let out a snort of rage. As he worked the endoskeleton out of the body, he couldn't keep his mind off of Michael. He would argue more and more with him, and he kept getting in the way of his things. William had to do something about it, for soon he might get into a real fight with him.

What, though? Give him a time-out? William chuckled softly, bringing out both endoskeleton arms. William would have to spy on him, make sure he told no one, or he could be sentenced for jail, maybe even death.

The costume-Fredbear lost grip on his microphone, making fall to the floor with a soft cling. William quickly turned around to see just the hidden door, and no one else.

William stood up and looked back to Fredbear, grabbed both of the skeleton's arms, pulled it, and was able to get it out of the suit. He took it and placed it to a corner.

He glanced at his watch. 11:27. He'll have to leave soon.

William took the animatronics from the restaurant because he knew he would eventually need them, but he doesn't know for what. Maybe more children? He shook his head as he opened Spring's jaw that gave a less deafening squeal. He began working on its skeleton as well.


William stood behind an arcade machine, shaking. Michael told someone. The words repeated in his mind as he panicked. He needed to do something, something to stop him. William gave an insane grin.

Something to kill him.


Puppet observed the new costumes in the hidden room. No one else knew about him being here, except a rat that scurried underneath him.

He knew it was from Fredbear's, that's for sure, but something was suspicious. The endoskeletons were fiercely taken out and put to the side. Only one person could wear a costume, but he wasn't sure that he meant to do that.

The Puppet's eyes trailed all over the robots. He could put Dan into one of them! Lucas became excited, but it grew dim. Where's Dan's body . . ? I can't do it without . . .

He gave a squeak of what would be a sigh and trailed off to the dining room.


Michael gave a glare at his "father" as he entered Fazbear's Pizzeria with him.

"You know I come here by myself, right?" Michael told him. "Stop treating me like a child."

It took every ounce of William to maintain his calm composition. "Just go find your friends, I'll be back."

William went towards the secret room as he heard Michael groan and walk away as well.

After getting in the hidden room, which had all its lights on, he went over to a panel that controlled the stage animatronics. He programmed them. Then he took his Fredbear suit and got into it carefully, not to ruin the spring locks. In a couple minutes it would be his time.


"No, no, no. You see, Foxy would win 'cause he got his hook." Walt motioned to his friend's action figure.

Ethan laughed playfully. "Bonnie would win, because he's stronger."

They always did this together, and Michael and Issac found it funny. They would joke about the arguments and give tips to both sides in the end.

"So? Foxy's hook could grab him underneath and pull him do--"

Everyone stopped as they heard clanging sounds from the stage. Whatever it was, it made them curious. The group got up and traveled to the stage, Michael staying behind.

** There you go, is it better? I made my decision on the timeline, and I passed the hard part of the book. Also, eventually I will work on a new book cover, and since I learned everything I needed to, I can work on making animation videos. Sorry for the long shoutout. **
** To be continued . . . **

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