(V1) Chapter 3 - The Lab

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     The doorbell to William's house rang. It had been two months since Elizabeth's birthday, and it was midday.
    Elizabeth was in her room, last seen playing with the ponies and dolls she got from her birthday party, which were slightly damaged.
     William opened the door, and Henry was there in the warm sun, waiting patiently as he fiddled with the end of his buttoned green shirt. He was more messier than usual, having to work more now than William did. The rings around his eyes were dark, if not more than usual.
     "I've come to check it out. I need more room to experiment." William hadn't noticed Henry stopped and was now looking at him intently.
     "Well, I thought you weren't coming for a while," William replied hesitantly.
"Well, I'm here now." Henry seemed to start getting impatient.
     William checked behind himself to make sure Elizabeth was still in her room, and then followed Henry out after. He shut the door behind him.

     Henry followed William, going around the right side of the house to a latched gate, which led to the backyard. William opened the gate and pushed it back, motioning for Henry to enter first.
The duo found themselves in a long backyard with lots of grass. Weeds occasionally popped out here and there, and a sandbox was in one corner with a couple of buckets and a shovel. In the opposite corner, right in front of the men, there was a big wooden shed. It seemed old, and its sides were falling apart.
     William made his way casually to the shed and turned the rusty doorknob, pushing the door with some effort. Inside, it was clearly a dusty mess. There were a couple desks with tools lying on them. The sun shone partially though the wooden walls. Nothing looked touched for years.
     Henry poked around, looking at objects and trinkets until William interrupted his thoughts.
     "It was my grandfather's. There's something here that I've never completely seen." He picked up a block of wood on the edge of the second desk and started playing with it. "Dad worked on it for a long time, but I don't have his talent to continue the build," he sighed humbly.
     "Maybe you do," Henry replied thoughtfully. "Sometimes people don't notice what they can do before they try."
     "Nah." William chuckled. "But anyways, since he showed me once before . . ." William put down the block, and suddenly started pawing the dusty wooden floor with his hand.
     Henry stared at him, extremely confused, until William stopped and clawed something in the farthest corner of the work shed.
     There was a squeak and a bang on the floor. William had opened a trapdoor on the floor that seemed completely hidden in all the dust. He started going down a ladder into the vast darkness inside.
     Henry stared at the opening until William told him to hurry, and, in a rush, started climbing down along with him.


     The descent down was most unenjoyable. It was wet and humid, and got worse the farther they went down. It was completely dark, and Henry had to feel for the dirty handles of the ladder. He kept shuddering from the feel. A few minutes later, after struggling for a while, they reached a small room.
     It had a light bulb hanging from the ceiling, which was something Henry was glad for, but it was flickering as it died slowly. The walls were made of a strong metal, and there were a couple of grey metal desks. On them were blueprints of what seemed like the underground building they were about to enter. In front of them were a large set of doors, but Henry was unable to tell where they led to, because the two small windows showed pitch black. It somehow called to Henry, knowing he was there to build in it.
     William passed the desks and stopped in front of the tall doors. "Well, Dad didn't show me any farther. You can take it from here, unless you want to come back to the house and have lunch?"
     "I'll come, I guess . . ." Henry mumbled, as William moved back to the ladder. Henry hesitated. "Can't I come back later?"
     William chuckled. "You can come back any time. I'll never use this horrible place." He kicked the metal wall gently and it gave a large bang.
This will be the perfect place to make more, Henry thought to himself.


     Two men and a girl sat in front of a television, all of them watching "The Immortal and the Restless."
     "Vlad," argued an angry woman, "you left the baby alone again!"
     "But Clara," replied a vampire voice, "the baby is okay!"
     "He's already starting to burn when we leave him outside! Do you think that's okay?"
     "Clara, just put on some sunscreen, no one will notice!"
     "Oh, but no one will notice he is blue and has pointy ears!" she pointed out sarcastically. "Don't forget those teeth, no one will notice those, definitely!"
     "Clara, the baby is what he is!"
     Suddenly, another voice popped in. "Will Clara and Vlad ever find agreement? To be continued soon.."
     Henry later bid them goodbye, waving at Elizabeth especially, before he went through the door. The small family had a nice quick dinner of lasagna, and they rested for the night.

End of Chapter 3

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