(V1) Chapter 13 - Days Until the Party

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     Sammy saw William scolding Michael that same afternoon.

     "If I see you do that again, you won't go to the party," shouted William, "and you'll lose TV privileges."

     Michael gave a small but obvious sneer, and William noticed it, though he ended the conversation short and left the living room.

     As Michael went near to the pot that Sammy was behind, secretly listening, he heard Michael murmur, "As if that mattered," and he walked away.

     That night, they came. It was one of the worst things Sammy ever saw yet. He heard echoes of children screaming and crying. But for some odd reason, he made it through that night. He thought he would never be able to.

     And Fredbear stayed by his side the entire time.


4 days until the party.

      Sammy walked into his bedroom. It was about 10 in the morning, and his usual pack of plushies were in their same spots.

     Something wasn't right that morning. It was quiet. Too quiet.

     He glanced to Fredbear for an answer to this problem, and he replied in his same childish voice.

     "You know he is hiding again." Sammy did, in fact, know that, but he didn't want it to be true.

     "He won't stop until you find him." Fredbear replied.

     Thanks for the help, Sammy thought.

     He walked from his room through the right door and went through the long hallway, breathing in shallow breaths, focusing on the task in hand. He occasionally stopped here and there to make sure what he heard wasn't him.

     He walked into what used to be his sister's room, and heard Fredbear chime from the side, "Over there."

     Sammy stepped carefully through the kitchen, into the living room. There, he saw Fredbear on the couch, looking at him.

     As he got near to him to ask where Michael was, Foxy jumped from behind the TV, screeching, as if preparing to kill him.

     Sammy collapsed in shock, crying hard and putting his hands over his head as he heard faint mumbled laughs.

     "Tomorrow is another day."


     3 days until the party.

      Sammy was under a table, crying, holding plush Fredbear. He had seen it again; his father shoved the real Fredbear onto another person. And it was at the spot of where he saw his friends die, because of the bear.

     "He left without you," ringed plush Fredbear. Indeed, William was doing something Sammy didn't want to see, and Michael and his friends left without him. Sammy hates Michael, but being here alone, without anyone he knew . . .

     As Sammy kept crying, he still heard Fredbear. "He knows you hate it here." More and possibly harder sobs came from Sammy. "You are right beside the exit," Fredbear continued. "If you run, you can make it."

     Sammy ignored him and kept crying. "Hurry, run toward the exit." he pushed on.

     Face shiny with tears and the wet plush in his arms, he stood up shakily.

     He started to walk the other way, blinded by tears, until Fredbear interrupted. "NO! Don't you remember what you saw? The exit is the other way! Hurry and leave."

     Sammy quickly whipped around and sprinted toward the exit as the memories of the dead friends and the bloody Fredbear flooded in him.

     Suddenly, he snapped to a stop as he saw a tall yellow figure in front of him, making a shadow as big and dark as its empty black eyes.

     "It's too late. Hurry the other way and find someone who will help!" yelled Fredbear. "You know what will happen if he catches you!" he added as the duo ran the opposite direction.

     They went towards to the stage area, and Sammy slowed, hesitant to get near the shiny robots.

     "You can find help if you can get past them," Fredbear encouraged. "You have to be strong."

     Sammy turned to a slow walk as he went past the stage, and when he risked a look to see who was behind him, the second real Fredbear walked towards him.

     They're all there, Sammy stressed, ready to take me, ready to . . .

     His mind trailed off as he fell to the ground and started to cry.

     Sammy heard a long deep sigh from Fredbear, as if he felt his sorrow.

     "Tomorrow is another day."


     William had mostly everything set up for the party, he just had to give out some invitations.

     To whom?  he thought as he sat on his work desk in his room. I think, was it June? And then I guess other people in the neighborhood, I mean, he doesn't have a lot of frien--

     William took a sharp inhale of breath through gritted teeth. Sammy sounded like William himself, when he was young. Always shy, no friends, and picked on all the time.

     He pushed the thought out, got out a pen and some paper, and started thinking of time and people as he made the cards.

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