4 | Pink

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"You're ripped at every edge but you're a masterpiece"

Miles and Alex stayed up all night in the back section of the VIP lounge. They spent hours getting to know each other and having a good time drinking, listening to music, and smoking cigars. Alex was pleased to find out that Miles had a secret soft spot for history and literature. He wasn't bluffing when he told Alex that he was into reading, the night they met. Miles did have an appreciation for the arts among many other things. He valued his friends, family, and employees all the same. He treated the custodians with the same respect as his peers. He had a great sense of humor, one that matched Alex's almost exactly. He was soft at heart but when it was time for business he put his walls back up and got things done.

As Alex was having the time of his life with Miles, Matt and Van were enjoying the first floor of the club. Matt practically blew all of his money on liquor that he could barely afford while Van had fun dancing with several pretty girls, who actually approached him first.

It was safe to say all three boys had a great first night at Streetlight.

Throughout the next week, all the trio could think about was getting back to Streetlight. Van desperately wanted to meet back up with some of the girls from his first time at the club. He was surprised to find that he was a great dancer, and dancing with pretty women by his side was an added bonus. Matt was excited to try and see what new drinks he could get his hands on, despite the fact that he didn't have the money to match. Of course, Alex was most excited to see Miles again. The two men exchanged numbers and they had been texting nonstop. Van kept teasing Alex about it because every time Miles would text, he'd get this big goofy grin on his face. It was safe to say that Alex definitely was developing a huge crush on the club owner.

When Friday rolled around again, the boys continued the same routine as last week. They met up at Van's house to ride over together. Alex and Van sat on the porch as they waited for the third member of their trio to arrive. It was colder out compared to last week so the boys had to bundle up a bit more. Alex wore a checkered print button-down, black jeans, and brown shoes. Van wore a long sleeved white shirt with his signature denim jacket (he wanted to be easily recognized by the girls from last week) black jeans and Alex let him borrow his black Doc Martens.

"You going to put the moves on, Kane tonight?" Van asked as he dug out a cigarette from his jacket pocket.

Alex chuckled, of course, he had been thinking about it. It was practically the only thing on his mind. He wanted to be patient and not rush things with Miles, he had to remember how much younger he was, guys Miles' age liked to take their time with things.

"I dunno." 

He answered as Van passed the lit cigarette to him. He took a drag and then handed it back over to his friend.

Van nodded. "If the moment arises don't wimp out, though."

Alex laughed softly, taking the cigarette from Van once more. He took a drag as he thought about it. He did have a tendency to chicken out of scenarios that made him nervous. He was working on it.  Miles was slowly bringing him out of his shell.

He exhaled the smoke and watched it swirl into thin air, as he flicked the bud into the yard he saw Matt making his way up the driveway.

"Bout' time you joined us, man," Van called out to him.

Matt's laugh echoed in the stillness of the night.

"Had to pregame, fellas. Too expensive at the club."

Van turned to Alex and raised an eyebrow, Alex shrugged in response. By the time Matt made his way under the dim porch light, the two boys could tell their friend had a good buzz going on.

Colors (An Alex Turner/Miles Kane fanfiction) (Milex)Where stories live. Discover now