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"This is a mistake."

Yoongi stood up in the middle of the class of flustered students who just received their test papers back. Everyone of them had a piece of paper in their hand, even Yoongi who was in the hospital when it happened.

Everyone but me.

"What's wrong?" Our homeroom teacher walks by to Yoongi, squeezing herself between the desks of the students.

As she passes me by, I quickly tore a piece of paper from my notebook and prayed that she won't notice.

I hope she doesn't notice that I don't have my test paper back.

"I didn't do the test. I don't remember doing it." He mumbles, flipping the paper back and forth as he looks at it.

"You had an accident, maybe you had a concussion and couldn't rememb-"

"That's what i'm saying." He stood there, puzzled. "I was at the hospital when the tests were given. How could I possibly write this?"

Yuri glared at me once she saw that the paper I was holding was blank. She knows what I have done and she's not happy about it. She shakes her head and rolls her eye at me before looking back at her perfect score test paper.

"Well, I will take it back for now," she grabs it out of his hand. "Maybe there's just a system malfunction."

The teacher returns back to her desk and places the paper into her cabinet. I look back at Yoongi one more time as he stares on the floor, still confused and puzzled at the same time.

Yuri then passes me a note torn apart from her notebook, with four words written that made me feel a lump in my throat.

He needs to know.

He does, but not now.

Not now when we're about to have the time of our lives at the retreat tomorrow.

And i'm not going to let a test paper ruin it.


It's one of those days when there is no occasion at all, but my parents didn't go to work today.

My mom, at least.

And what does she do when she gets a normal day of staying at home?

Go to my room and talk to me.

"Hey mom." I said, laying down from my bed. She closes the door and sits beside me like she always does.

It's great to see her like this. No glasses, not wearing her usual white coat. I feel like i'm actually talking to my mother, and not a doctor.

"Hey honey." She smiles, patting my thigh firmly and she breathes out. "Are you sure about celebrating your birthday at your school retreat?"

Ah. My birthday.

Just another day of me saying thank you at everyone who pretends to care about my existence.

Spending it at the retreat tomorrow with Yoongi and Yuri would be not as bad as my past birthday where I tried to pretend that I was grateful to get a game for a console I don't have from a classmate. It's like giving someone coffee without a cup.

"Yes, i'm actually excited." I say, smiling at her.

She half smiles. "Well, we have something to talk about."

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