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The cold breeze flew past my face as I walk alone on the park, barely seeing anything because of the faint darkness. It's around 5:45 am when I left the house and since both of my parents are at work, I was free to do anything I wanted to do.

And that includes going to the park on my own.

The park is so quiet at this time of the day. I remember back when I was in elementary school, I would ask my parents all the time to go here. We would go and walk around the park until we got to the playground. The earlier it was, the better, just so I don't have to wait in line until it's my turn to use the slide.

The playground can be found under the bridge that Yoongi was talking about. As I walk past under the bridge, the playground's not there anymore. It's just an open, empty space filled with dead leaves that fell from the trees.

I pressed the 'on' button on the video camera and started panning the scenery. It appeared better than it was in real life, thank goodness that there's already a little bit of sunlight now. It gave it a nostalgic effect.

I slowly walked under the bridge and go to the other side, reminiscing my childhood memories while I still hold the video cam in my hand. I inhaled the fresh air once I made it on the other side, looking at the tall trees that surrounded the park. But as I looked to my side, a boy sitting down on the cold hard ground surprises me, making me almost drop the video camera.

"Took you long enough." The boy looks up at me making me realize that it was Yoongi. "You're twelve minutes late."

I pressed the stop button on the video camera as soon as he spoke. "I'm sorry, I just walked on my way here."

"Whatever, let's just get this over with." He stands up, patting and shaking the dirt and leaves from his pants. "Where's your friend?"

"I-I-uhm..." I stutter. Crap, where the hell is Yuri? Is she going to bail? I should've texted her before I came here.

"Are you being serious right now?" He glared at me, showing how irritated he was.

"W-we can just film your solo parts first you know." I smile nervously.

"What do you want me to do then?" He asks, kicking a small rock from the ground.

"Just sit back down again from where you were before." I suggest. "It looked good."

He sits back down without saying a word, tilting his head up while he leans it against the brick wall of the bridge. "What should I do?"

"Just..." I say while I walk backwards so I can film it better. "Stay like that."

I aimed the video camera at him as he bents his left leg, laying his left arm on his knee. I pressed the record button and watched him from the small screen at the back of the video camera.

This part of the bridge gave somewhat a green lighting that's very subtle, making the setting look gloomy despite of the slightest sun rays that pass down the trees.

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