Chapter 7

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Lola was officially on my kill list.

After taking care of the kids, we left the rest to aunt Mimi.

My plan was to go home and sleep, but Lola had different plans.

She forcefully dragged me and Blaze to the damn movies as a reward for taking care of the kids.

"Come on. I really want to watch Inside Out." She said and pulled us to the line.

I stood beside Blaze who was frowning. He was frowning so much, I hoped his face froze.

We finally paid for our tickets and entered the movies.

We bought our things and stood on the side waiting until the movie started.

"They really need to put benches here." Lola whined,

"I know right." I agreed,

My feet were killing me and I'm blaming everything on Lola because it's all her fault.

The movie finally began and we were able to enter.

"Let's sit in this row." Lola said,

Blaze sat first and it was now my turn.

"You go in." I said,

"Sorry, I tend to use the bathroom alot so unless you want to be getting up every minute, go." Lola said,

I glared at her and walked in. Blaze glared st me as I took a seat next to him.

"Why the fuck must you sit here?" He asked,

"Shut up. I was forced to sit here." I snapped at him.

We both sat uncomfortably next each other while Lola relaxed and watched the movie with ease.

Blaze's arm was so large and it was on my side.

It was bugging me and pushed it off only for him to put back up.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Lola announced,

"Fuck." I cursed,

"Can you like move your hand. It's all up in my space." I said, turning to look at him.

"Umm, no." He said,

I growled at him and bit his arm.

"Ow!" He jumped in his chair.

He glared at me and tackled me to the floor.

"Ew." I said, seeing a moist gum close to my face

Blaze was on top of me and this position reminded alot of how we were a while go.

"Get your heavy off of me." I said, hitting his chest.

Blaze tried to get up, but couldn't.

"I can't... I'm stuck." He said,

"What do you mean you're stuck!" I said,

I helped by pushing him, but he groaned and told me to stop.

He huffed and laid all his weight on me.

"You're killing me." I whined,

"Oh shut up." He said and took most of his weight of of me with his elbows.

I huffed and just laid there on the floor, not that I had a choice.

Aaaaand then my body decided then to notice the position we were in.

Blaze's lower half was pressed hard against mine and I briefly felt something moving.

"What the fuck is moving in your pants?" I asked, wiggling around.

"Stop. Moving." Blaze forced out,

His body was tense and the thing that was moving now poked my thigh.

Then it dawned on me that he was hard.

"Are you kidding me!" I exclaimed,

"I-I can't help it. I'm a boy and I can't stop my body from reacting." He said,

I remained silent and glared at him. Well, I couldn't really blame him. My boobs were squashed to his chest and my nipples couldn't help, but react.

I shifted uncomfortable which was bad idea. I only ended opening my legs wider so that Blaze laid between my legs.

He groaned and hid his face in my neck.

"Did you seriously had to move!" He grunted,

I blushed and fought the urge to moan. He smelt so good and not mention his excitement was now directly on my crotch.

"I hate you so much." I muttered,

"Me too." He replied,

"What are you guys doing on the floor?" Blaze looked up letting me be able to see Lola.

"Blaze tackled me to the and now we're stuck." I said,

Lola burst out laughing and Blaze Blaze and I both glared at her.

She called in the manager and after much effort and the help of three employees, Blaze was finally off of me.

I sighed in relief as I stood in the row.

I looked over at Blaze and his excitement was still very much noticable.

"It looks as if someone enjoyed their time on the floor." Lola said,

Blaze glared at him and told her to shut up.

"It wasn't talking about you Blaze, but I guess it two people now." She said, smirking at us.

I looked down to see my nipples printing out on the shirt.

I gasped and crossed my arms.

We left the movie even the it wasn't done.

Blaze walked passed me, it stopped.

"I guess I'm not the only one who enjoyed it." He whispered next to my ear.

He smirked at me and walked off.

"I hate you, Lola." I growled,

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