Chapter 9

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The past few days went by slowly and painfully.

My hatred for Blaze only grew more.

Lola had doing a bunch of activities after school when I could be home watching tv or sleeping.

I groaned as we finally finished cleaning the cafeteria.

Now there's a reason for the three of us cleaning the cafeteria and it's a long ass story.

2 Hours Before.

I silently glared at Blaze has he slowly and teasingly ate my apple.

For lunch, the only thing I chose an apple and juice since the food looked like shit.

Lola was beside me engrossed in a conversation on her phone while Blaze and I had a staring contest.

His smirk grew and I narrowed my eyes into slit as he slowly traced the area he bit with his tongue.

"Picture this. The apple is your sweet little virgin pųssy. Me between those long legs of yours and eating you out. The apple juices are actually yours and I'll be drinking. It. Up." He said, popping the 'p'.

I hated to admit it, but the image turned me on. I fought with myself to not squirmed and loose eye contact.

"It makes me wonder how loud you'd scream as I fucked you hard. How you'd scream my name." He said, looking over at the apple.

I bit my lip, trying hard not to groan.

"Maybe I won't have to wait too long to know. Why don't you come to the boys bathroom and let me fuck you." He said in a low husky voice.

I lost it. I jumped over the table and tackled Blaze to the floor.

The gasps of shock and I briefly heard Lola scream, but my focus was on punching Blaze's face into oblivion.

Just like he'd fuck you into oblivion. The little voice in my head said which only made me angrier.

"Take your fucking words back." I said as u gripped his neck with both of my hands and squeezed as hard as I could.

"Mmm, kinky I see." He said laughing,

My pushed harder, but he didn't seem the least affected.

He grabbed my arms and wrenched them from his neck.

He flipped over so he was ontop and he held my hands above my head.

"I'm really starting to like this position. Usually I'm for the doggy style, but for you tuts. I'll use this one to fuck you." He said,

He got off of me and I was left the ground breathing hard.

As I he began to walk away, I jumped and grabbed his pasta and threw after him.

It hit him in the back of his head. He froze and I watched satisfied as the pasta slowly slid down his body.

He slowly turned around, having a murderous look.

Without looking away from me, he got a tray from the table next to him and threw after me.

Except I dodged it and it hit Lola.

She screamed and pretty after that that was the battle cry.

Everyone bagel throwing food around and I ran around the room trying to avoid Blaze.

I ducked behind the trash can and looked around, but didn't see him although I saw Lola on top of a boy repeatedly smacking him with a donut.

"Looking for me, tuts." I screamed as I was picked from behind.

I looked back to see Blaze. He held me over the trash can and I cried, clutching onto him.

"Pleae, don't drop me. I'll do anything just don't drop me." I begged,

"Mmm, maybe since you say you'll do anything." He said,

All of a sudden the double doors slammed open to reveal Mr. Richard.

The cafeteria became died silent.

"What is the meaning of this!" He yelled, his face turning red.

Everyone in the room pointed at me and Blaze.

Mr. Richard looked over at us as Blaze held me bridal style and I had my arms around his neck.

Aaand Blaze dropped me... into the trash can.

Lola, Blaze, and I now sat in the principals office, listening to Mr. Richard rant off.

"Now what do you have to say for yourselves?" He asked, looking at us.

"Well, technically they both were holding each other which is a step forward." Lola said,

Mr. Richard stared at her hard and his eye even twitched.

"You three will be cleaning the entire cafeteria and your parents will be called." He bomed,

2 Hours Later.

And so that's how it happened.

We walked out of the school which was practically empty.

"Well, I'll see you guys tomorrow." Lola said as she walked over to a car and got in.

Blaze and I silently watched the car drove off.

"This was all your fault." I fumed,

"Yore the one who threw the pasta." Blaze pointed out,

"Well, you're the one who said all that nasty stuff." I shot back.

Blaze walked forward all turned to me smirking.

"Which means my teasing worked." He said,

I glared at him and crossed my arms.

"I'll see you tomorrow, tuts." He said,

I watched fuming as he walked away laughing.

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