Chapter 14

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Oh shit!

My entire body froze as I fearfully shined the phone light into the room.

There a few feet away from me was a small fluffy looking dog.

I would've laughed at the fact that Blaze had a fluffy body despite he likes to make himself look tough if it wasn't for the fact that the dog was bearing it's tiny, sharp teeth at me.

"N-Nice doggy." I said nervously,

The dog took a couple cautious steps forward.

"Hi, I'm a friend of Blaze. I just came to give him a surprise visit." I said, smiling at it.

Seconds passed and it looked as if it actually didn't want to harm me.

It sat down and licked it's paw, almost as if I bored it.

I straightened up and entered the room.

Since no one was home, I switched the light on and closed the door.

The puppy was actually just a cute husky.

I bent down and looked at its tag.


"So, you're a girl. How cute." I said and rubbed her behind her ear.

She yapped happily and her tail shook wildly.

She licked me, begging me to pick her up.

I smiled, obliging and looked around the room.

I walked to the dark oak shelf and looked through his book, movies, and pictures.

Cherry nuzzled into my chest as she enjoyed me stroking her back.

"So, can you tell me any of Blaze's secret?" I asked her,

She didn't respond and just softly bit my arm with her baby teeth. It didn't hurt.

I sighed as I sat down on the made bed and laid Cherry on my lap.

"Where is this boy?" I sighed,


The worst thing you could ever do when breaking into a house is falling asleep.

Cherry was just as bad for falling asleep with me too. I mean she was suppose to keep watch.

I woke up to see Blaze's face hovering closely over mine.

My eyes widened as I shot up on the bed.

"Great. You're awake." He said, straightening up.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep." I apologized,

"What was your intention then? You somehow got into my house and became pals with my dog. Imagine my surprise when I come home to find an annoying bitch in my bed asleep beside my dog." He scoffed,

I frowned and looked away embarrassed.

"You had this coming, Blaze though. You always break into my house without caring what I think. This I just me getting back at you!" I angrily shot back,

He rolled his eyes at me and picked Cherry up.

"No!" I whined and took her away.

I held the cute puppy to my chest protectively and glared at him.

Blaze raised an eyebrow at me and kneeled on the bed.

"Cherry is my dog, Belle. You don't belong here in the first place." He lowly growled,

His face was inches away from me.

"Where's your mom?" I asked,

"Working. We're home alone." He answered,

I nodded my head and my thoughts wondered back to before.

Blaze being home alone and fucks me.

I shivered at the thought and looked away from him.

"Does your mom know that you're here?" He asked changing the subject.

"No." I mumbled,

He frowned and shook his head, getting up.

"I'm going to call her and tell her you've broken into my house. Better yet I should call the cops." He said, pulling his phone out.

"No! Please, I don't want to see or talk to her at the moment." I begged, getting off the bed.

Blaze held the phone just out of my reach and dialed her number.

I jumped forward, catching Blaze off guard and grabbed the phone.

Before he could take it back, I shoved into my shirt and in between my boobies.

"There. Now you won't be able to get it and call her." I sighed, placing my hands on my hips.

Blaze raised an eyebrow as he slowly smirked at me.

"Do, you honestly think I won't shove my hand down there?" He asked,

I nodded my head and he laughed.

He slowly approached me and I back away, squeaking when I fell onto the bed.

Cherry bounced away, letting this just happen. To think I was starting to like her.

Blaze climbed up on me, holding my legs down with his.

One strong hand grabbed both of mine and he held them above my head really tight.

"Now, for my phone." He said and shoved his hand into my shirt.

No kidding! Damn son of a bitch actually did it.

His hand moved around, trying grab his phone, but he instead grabbed something that clearly wasn't his phone.

Both of our eyes widened and I squirmed as he squeezed my boob hard.

"Take your hands off of me, perv." I cried out, trying to kick him, but failed.

"I need my phone first though." He said his voice sounding huskies than usual.

He moved his hand, but grazed my nipple, making me moan.

My cheeks burned hot red as he laughed down at me.

"You like that, don't you?" He teased and grazed my nipple again.

Pretty sure he wasn't looking for his phone anymore.

"Blaze, s-stop." I stuttered, liking this too much.

My underwear was damp and the memory of his large, rough hands down there came back to me.

This was such a bad idea! I should have never come here and break into his house.

"This is rape." I stammered unsure if I should continue to fight this and just enjoy it.

Blaze ignored me and groped my boobies, enjoying his only chance to ever touch a boob.

"You're boobies are so fucking small. I've handled much bigger ones." He sneered,

"Then if you don't like them, then get your hand out." I demanded,

Blaze leaned down until our faces was inches away.

"I never said I didn't like them. They're so soft and big enough to fuck." He lowly said in this sexy ass tone.

My eyes widened and involuntarily whimpered.

He leaned his entire body down on me and pressed his election against me.

"We could definitely have some tonight, don't you think?" He said smirking,

"Fat chance." I hissed and bit him.

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