Chapter 10

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"Son of a bitch." I silently cursed, looking into the mirror.

When I thought going to the dentist, I thought it would be just a quick check up.

It turns out, I was to get braces. Fucking braces.

I was the clinic's bathroom staring into my reflection.

My teeth erection firmly held by blue colored braces. Actually the wire and the braces were silver. The dentist spent five minutes putting single rubber bands on each one. Bottom and top.

"Belle, come out. We're leaving." My mom said, knocking on the door.

I lowly cursed under my breath, recuctantly leaving the bathroom.

Mom was smiling brightly at me. She only got her mouth cleaned and was given a lollipop.

All I got were annoying little iron things in my mouth and a list of things I could and could not eat and how to eat things.

We left the clinic and sulked to the door.

What will Blaze think when he saw my mouth.

You look like a complete dork. No one for sure would want to kiss you now. Stop fucking staring at me, I don't want you. Your teeth are crooked that's probably why you had to get braces.

The things that he could possibly say ran through my head the entire drive home.

Tomorrow I would have to go to school and unfortunately, I had a tendency of smiling a lot.

People tended to say that I had a beautiful smile and I usually smile widely, showing all of my teeth.

"Cheer up, darling. You look adorable with your braces on, but I should warn you that they will hurt like a bitch in a bit. They get tighter and tighter." She warned me,

I barely listened to her as she spoke, going on and on about how everyone was going think I looked good and that braces were now popular these days.

When we finally reached hoke, I went straight to my room and fell onto the bed.

"I hate this." I lowly grumbled,


I silently stared at the meal in front of me. It looked as if it benign to either a month old baby or a toothless old person.

I stared at my mom as she dug into her chicken.

What the actual fuck.

Instead of getting a meaty dinner I sometimes got, my plate was now filled with mashed potatoes and broken bits of what looked like chicken.

"What the hell is this?" I asked, pointing at the food.

"Well, you can't get your braces dirty. The dentist said you can't eat anything hard because then they'd break. He already told you everything." Mom explained,

She was enjoying this. She knew I loved nothing more than to sink my teeth into things. The feeling of how my teeth sunk slowly into meaty things and I could hold on tightly before ripping it apart.

I grabbed my fork and scooped up some food.

I didn't think it get worse, but it did.

As I chewed the food, my lips were wife open going in circles and weird directions.

It was almost impossible to chew with these little shits. How the fuck would people like to have these things!

Mom snorted and covered her mouth, trying to stifle her laugh.

I never glared at my mom as hard I was doing right now.

I finally finished eating which took me twenty minutes.

It was as if I was a mouse and had to eat grain by grain of the food.

Now I had to brush my teeth, again.

I stumbled up the stairs and walked into my bathroom.

Now when I brush my teeth it's as if I'm pissed. I brush deep so hard, my toothbrushes only last three weeks before the white thingys are bending backwards to the other side.

The dentist said I had to be very gentle when I brushed my teeth because I could break the braces. Apparently there were many ways of breaking them.

It took alot of self control from me to not brush my teeth as if I was pissed royally at the world.

Who the hell even created braces?

Once I was finally done, I sighed in relief and walked into my room.

I was already dressed for bed and I slipped into the sheets.

As soon I was comfortable and ready to fall asleep was when I realized the window was once again open.

"Eh." I shrugged and fell asleep.

I took a deep breath as I tried to desperately tried to control my breathing.

My face was currently in my locker.

I was in school and the hallway was filled with people talking and laughing.

I haven't opened my mouth since I got the car and refused to look at anyone.

"Hey." I looked up to see Lola.

"Hi." I said my mouth being covered by the locker.

Lola gave me a strange look before immediately going on about what she did for her weekend and she had planned for us this week.

"What did you do?" She asked,

"Oh nothing. Went to the dentist." I mumbled,

"Oh really? How are your teerh?" She asked,

"They're fine." I muttered,

"What's up with you and why are you hiding behind the locker?" I sighed and slammed it shut.

She would find out anyway and I would just hide from Blaze.

I slowly opened my mouth and she burst out laughing.

I glared at her while I crossed my arms, watching her double over laughing.

"What's so funny?" I snapped around and looked up to see blade.

I momentarily forgot what I had in my mouth and the fact that I was suppose to be avoiding him.

"Nothing." I quickly said, shaking my head.

His eyes widened and his mouth slowly fell open, but just a bit.

A wide grin spread across his face and my mood got even worse, knowing what was coming to me.

"Well, look it here. The dork just got dorkier." He said, laughing at me.

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