Chapter 21

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I have never felt so angry and hurt in my life like I did at this moment.

Lola slowly pulled away from a frozen shocked Blaze.

We were all silent for a moment before Lola (now being referred to as "The bitch") spoke.

"Did it work?" She questioned, staring between us.

"What the fuck, Lola. Why the hell would you fucking kiss me?!" Blaze groaned, wiping his mouth.

At least he didn't agree with it.

Lola rolled her eyes and turned to Blaze's mom.

"I'm not sure. What do you think Val?" Lola said,

Valentine looked between us both and sighed.

"I'm not sure either. When it comes to these two, no one can ever know unless they're angry." She replied,

"What the fuck is going on?" I practically screeched,

"Belle, listen carefully. Blaze may or may not be dosed on drugs that make him act unrationally and totally act out on his emotions that he usually has control over." Valentine explained,

"Then why did Lola kiss him?" I asked, pointing at "The Bitch".

"Oh that was to get a reaction from you. I swear the both of remind me of skinny love. Two people cluelessly in love and everyone knows it but them." She answered when a smirk spread across her face.

"And clearly I got a repsonse. You were jealous weren't you." She snickered, making me want to hit her.

My facial expression give it all away and she burst out laughing.

"Fucking crazy people." Blaze suddenly muttered and turned, walking away from us.

"Wait Blaze." I called out, but he ignored me and continued on.

"Leave him, he's unstable at the moment and needs to catch his breath with whatever he's done." Valentine said, grasping my shoulder.

I nodded my head, having the strong urge to run after him.

"Besides, we have more important things to discuss." Lola said and both ladies dragged me away.

"But the way, there was a sweet taste when I kissed him. I'm sure what it is because it wouldn't be the first time I tasted it." Lola whispered into my ear, causing to me to red.

She gave me a flirtatious smirk and walked ahead of me, swaying her curly hips.

Son of a whore!

We walked out of the school and over to some benches where we sat with me in the middle.

"Ok, what is it?" I asked, staring at them finally calming down.

"Ok well, school is just about finishing. You have three more weeks of school and I feel like we've accomplished quite a lot during our time together. You and Blaze aren't acting out in blind rage as you used to and have even developed some feelings along the way." Lola started off explaining.

Wow, did it really get to this? People were seeing invisible feelings that I had yet to see. Hell, I wasn't even sure that Blaze knew either.

"Is it hard for you both confess your undying love each other like one of those cheesy movies. I mean if you want I could do something completely dramatic where Blaze becomes the hot hero and will confess to you while standing on a bridge or something as it rains and you dramatically kiss as the camera zooms out slowly with Justin Timberlake playing in the back ground." Lola babbled and I stared at her as she truly lost her mind.

"Are you insane." I concluded, making her room her eyes and scoff.

"Hardly, darling. I'm just well experienced." She chided and threw me a smirk at the hidden meaning.

"Look, Belle all you need to know that Blaze has feelings for you. Trust me, I know my son." Valentine put in, laying her hand on my shoulder.

I was still very doubtful about this all and to be honest all this confessing and shit was annoying the hell out of me.

But it's better than living an ignorant life.

I nodded at the thought and let out a deep breath.

"It just maybe I consider this. Then, what? It's not like Blaze will be confessing his feelings like some sap anytime soon." I muttered, crossing my arms beyond frustration at where my life was at the moment.

What happened to the days where I could be pissed at the world in my cozy bed? The day when no one bugged me like this and I could sleep for hours? Gosh, I missed those days.

"Just give him some time and he'll be admitting some type of feeling towards you." Valentine offered, smiling at me.

I would've thought to nice of her, but then I remember that situation in which she walked in on her son and I doing certain things. Not the "DO" but dangerously close.

"Umm, it's getting late and I should really start heading home." I managed go stammer quickly getting up.

Both Valentine and Lola shared some type of look, but I didn't dwell on it as I bid them farewell and rushed off.

I clutched my bag rushing down the street to my house.

However when I got there was some strange car parked in front and my eyebrows furrowed as I unlocked the front door and stepped inside.

There was noise coming from the kitchen so I cautiously walked over, grabbing the broomstick just in case it was burglars.

Oh, but how I wished it were burglars.

Now I know how Valentine felt.

My mother who was somewhat innocent in my ignorant head was now shamelessly on the counter, clothes barely covering her as my newly-forgiven father stood in between hers legs sucking her neck like some vampire all repeatedly pounding into her.


The broom dropped from my hand, falling to the floor and made a loud clacking sound, spooling them both and snapped to look at me.

A look of shameful horror crossed my mom's face and Jared turned red.

Without another word, I turned and left the scene and threw my bag into the living room before walking out the house.

What the fuck is going on with my life!? I've never had to deal with so much happening all at once. Christ's sake I was going to explode!

"Hey sweetheart."

Fuck, not you right now!

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