Chapter 19

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All night when I should've been doing my homework, I spent it speculating about Blaze and who I thought he was.

An egoistic jerk who had anger issues.

A hot, mouthwatering moron.

A totally complex person who doesn't open up unless it's to threaten someone.

Groaning in frustration, I threw my biology textbook on the floor and rolled onto my back on the bed.

Who in the hell was Blaze freaking Lancaster?!?

A soft knock on my door brought me out of my thoughts and I looked up to see my mom.

"You're home early." I said, sitting up.

"Y-Yeah, there wasn't much going on in the hospital." She muttered, stepping into the room.

"Belle, we need to talk." She said completely serious.

I nodded my head and she sat beside me on the bed.

"Now I know we left home a while back and never made contact with Jared..." She started off and I got suspicious of what she was getting at.

She took in a deep breath before letting it go.

"Jared... he showed up at work today... and we talked." She lowly said,

I froze for a moment in shock. So much crap was happening too fast and I could barely keep up.

"He's been going to therapy and recently finished rehab. He looks better than the last time we saw him. He kept on saying sorry for everything and I left it off there, needing to think it all over." She sighed in relief, letting it all out.

"Ok, so what? That doesn't make me forget everything he's done to us mom. You met with him once and from that you can't honestly tell if he's really changed." I said, seeing the craziness in it all.

I didn't want back in my- our lives. After all the crap he made us go through, I wasn't going to jump into his arms crying "Daddy" all because he went to rehab and therapy.

"Belle, just listen. H-He wants to meet with the both of us so that he can explain everything. Tomorrow hopefully and in public. I really think that he's changed." Mom stressed,

"Really? How can you tell?" I grumbled, crossing my arms.

"I've been married to the man for 20 years! Of course I can tell if there's something changed in him. I know that he's that sweet gentlemen that I met in school. I just know it." She said and I could see the desperation in her eyes.

Letting out a breath, I nodded my head and agreed to see him tomorrow with her.

She grinned and pulled me into a hug thanking me.

"All call the school and tell them you won't be attending tomorrow." She said and left my room.

I fell back onto my bed and stared at the ceiling.

After 10 years apart, I'd finally be seeing my dad... awesome. Note the sarcasm.

Morning came by far too soon and I found myself sitting at a restaurant with my mom around nine in the morning.

We sat beside each other and waited for my "Father" to arrive.

"He's late." I grumbled bitter about this all.

"No, he's not. We're just early. I wanted to be 10 minutes early just to be sure." Mom replied, taking a sip of her water.

I drank my coffee and suddenly saw a man walk through the entrance.

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