Chapter 15

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His hands freely roamed my ass as I moaned and grinded against him.

When I bit Blaze, I meant to bite his cheek or something... not his lips.

It was weird at first; me not wanting to release and him biting my upper lip in return, but it soon turned into something completely different!

Now I found myself straddling him with his tongue in my mouth and my hands underneath his shirt.

I felt his hard, firm chest; images of licking his yummy feeling abs.

I couldn't think of anything else that wasn't Blaze and his glorious mouth and hands.

He kept thrusting his hips forward, colliding with mine and bringing me closer to releasing with just the delicious friction.

"Belle, shit." He cursed and tugged on my hair.

I lowly growled and sat up.

He stared up at me with swollen lips and a hungry look in his eyes.

I was directly sitting on his cock and I slowly began to rock against him.

Blaze let out a string of curses and gripped my hips, grinding us together even harder.

"Does this feel good?" He grunted,

"So good!" I moaned as I laid my hands on his chest.

"Still mad that I broke into your house?" I muttered,

"No, the exact opposite really." He said, flipping us around.

I squealed, wrapping my arms around his neck as he now hovered above me.

He sat up and tugged my shirt off.

"I still hate you, Blaze. Not matter how good your hands feel on me." I groaned as he latched onto the skin on my neck.

"The feel is mutual, sugar." He mumbled and licked down the column of my neck towards my boobies.

"Take off your shirt." I said, tugging on the hem of it.

Blaze rolled his eyes, but obeyed pulling it off.

His chest was tan and muscular, most likely from going to the gym a lot and he had a six pack with a happy trail that disappeared into his pants. And not to mention his v-line though.

"I'm sure this is something you've pictured a lot." Blaze said, teasing me.

I rolled my eyes and pulled him back down, crashing our lips together.

My hand trailed down from his neck, to his chest, and even lower as I reached his pants.

I unbuckled it and pulled the zipper down.

Blaze chuckled against my lips as he bit my lower lip, toying with it.

I shoved my hand down his pants and into his underwear just like he did when he went into my bra.

Blaze let out a strangled cry as I rubbed his member. I smirked up at him in triumph and he simply kissed me harder.

He pulsed in my hand as I took my time.

"Not so cocky now, huh?" I teased, smirking at him.

"I hate you." He growled,

I opened my mouth to say the same thing when all of a sudden the door opened.

"Oh my gosh!" His mother squealed and covered her eyes.

We both froze and pulled apart from each other.

Great, just great. We got by his mother with my hands in his pants!

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