Chapter 27

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"Oh my gosh! Blaze is going to freak out when he sees you!" Lola squealed as she did circles around me.

I laughed and shook my head at her. Standing in front of the mirror, I ran my hand down the dress, loving the feel.

It was a couple days after Valentine's Day more specifically February 18 which was my birthday. I was wearing a rose gold short dress that clung to my body. It had thin straps with glitter designs on it and stopped my thighs.

We were all planning to go out to dinner to celebrate my birthday and agreed to meet at the restaurant. Lola was with me because I needed help getting ready and I wanted her there with me.

"Alright, sit so I can style your hair." She instructed,

Taking a seat, Lola began to eagerly fix my hair. After a while, she stepped back with a sigh.

"Perfection!" I looked up at the mirror to see that she placed my hair into an elegant bun with two strands of hair framing my face.

"Fuck, Lola! You're a professional." I grinned, getting up and hugged her.

Someone knocked on the door, interrupting us. Nick poked his head through, smiling at us.

"We've been waiting on you both for so long. Let's go already." He whined, making us roll our eyes.

Lola and I quickly grabbed our things and walked out.

Mom and Dad gasped as I reached the bottom as they pulled me into a hug.

"You look so beautiful and mature sweetie!" Mom gushed as she stepped back and looked me over.

"I'm going to have to give Blaze a serious warning." Dad muttered, shaking his head.

I laughed and we stepped out the house. Nick and Lola walked over to Nick's motorcycle. "Hey dad, let's see who will reach there first." Nick challenged,

"No son. That's unlawful and dangerous." Dad said, but rushed us to the car.

Nick had already pulled off as dad turned the car on and drove after him.

"I thought you said that this was unlawful and dangerous?" I asked from the backseat.

Dad smirked as he pressed down on the peddle.

"It is, but I'm not letting that little punk think that he can beat me." He answered,

I shook my head and leaned back, letting him have his fun.

In the end as we pulled up to the restaurant, Nick and Lola had reached first.

"Sorry old man, but it looks like I win." Nick boasted as he walked over and helped me out the car. Dad did the same to mom and scoffed.

"You had head start." He replied,

We walked into the restaurant and were immediately attended to.

"We're with the 'TooKoolforFood' Party." Dad stated, glaring at Nick for picking that name.

The host walked us to the large round table where Blaze and Valentina were already seated.

"I'm never letting you make reservations again." Dad grumbled and smacked Nick.

I ignored them and walked over to Blaze who stood and was staring at me.

"Good evening, Mr. Lancaster." I greeted him,

He didn't respond due to being in shock, making me laugh. Finally, he snapped out of it and smiled at me.

"You look lovely Ms. Smith." He complimented me and I didn't miss how his eyes trailed down my body.

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