Chapter 23

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After driving for what felt like hours, we finally pulled up at a building.

It was around 8 in the night and all the lights were off.

"What the fuck, dude?" I questioned, wearily staring at the building.

"Let's go." Travis said and got out of the car.

Giving the building a skeptical look, I climbed out of the vehicle and slowly walked beside Travis. We walked up the side of the building to a door that said Authorized Only, but for some fucked up Travis had a key.

"Now, this is where things gets interesting. An old pal of mine is some high drug lord and guess what? He invited us to one of his party's. We're gonna have so much fun when your dad and Blaze get blown through with bullets!" Travis enthusiastically cheered as we stepped through.

"You seriously have some screws loose in that sick head of yours." I muttered, noticing all the people that were gathered in the building.

Just out of caution écluse even though I didn't trust Travis, but didn't know the people here, I walked closer to Travis just to be safe.

He smirked down at me and I ignored him, looking around. Some of the girls for God know why was glaring at me as if I did something to them.

We walked over to a poker table and Travis greeted them all while I glared at them.

"Travis! You came, I'm so happy to see you and I see you brought you little friend." A large, burly man said getting up out of his seat and they hugged.

"I'm glad to be here. Her old man and Prince are coming to save her so if your men could put a round of bullets through them after I'm finished that would be awesome." Travis said and the man laughed.

"Since you're such a good friend, we'll put two rounds in them." The man said and the entire table laughed.

"You guys are some sick bastards. If anyone will be getting bullets through them it'll the lot of you and I'll be doing the shooting." I angrily snapped at them.

They all went quiet and stared at me which made me feel weird.

"Sorry, Pharr. She has quite the mouth on her. Gives me a migraine." Travis stated, causing to start laughing again.

I scoffed and turned around, scanning the room.

There was tables all around the room holding large and small guns as well as drugs. Women in skimpy clothes were sitting on laps as games went on as well as drinking.

"Let's go, sugar. They're here." Travis suddenly whispered in my ear and pulled me into a different room.

My eyes widened in shock while Travis simply smirked in satisfaction.

"You son a bitch."


"That son of a bitch! I'm going to murder his ass." Jared screamed while pacing the floor.

We were all gathered at Belle's house after finding out that she got kidnapped. It turns out that that assface Lucas was actually some guy named Travis and he was really evil.

I quietly sat in a corner as watched everyone panic and fight over what to do.

"I can't believe he would drag Belle into this mess!" Jared cursed and Clara pulled him down beside her.

"It's ok, darling. Belle is a strong, capable girl. We all know that she's giving him hell and isn't in all complete danger." Clara tried to soothe him which only made my blood bowl.

Leave it to that bitch to get kidnapped. Just when I was getting ready to have a serious conversation with her about us and I wanted she had to be taken. Maybe I should be blaming the dumbfuck, but if she had listened to me and stayed away, we wouldn't be in this situation.

"Ok, so where is that you and Blaze have to go?" Lola asked,

Jared pulled out the note that we got earlier this afternoon telling us what happened.

"Some 3rd Boulder Avenue, Canton building." Jared answered,

"Alright then, let's go. The faster we get there, the faster we can save Belle and get back." I stated, getting up.

"One of other thing, it says we have to wear a tux." Jared added,

"What the fuck. I'm not wearing a tux to save Belle. I don't even own one." I snapped, getting pissed with all the games this fucker was pulling.

"It says we have to. This little bitch even has a dress code for kidnapping and rescuing." Jared growled and got up.

"Wait! You're actually going? Wouldn't it be best to call the cops and let them handle it?" My mom questioned as she gripped my hand.

"No, Travis absolutely hates the cops and if so much as saw one, he'd kill Belle in a second." Jared said, shaking his head.

"But, 30 minutes after we leave I want you to call the cops and tell where to go. That way we have enough time to see what the hell Travis wants and save Belle." Jared said and they all nodded their heads.

"Now, let's go Blaze. I'm sure we can find you a tux." Jared said, walking over.

"Wait! I actually do have some! From when we were together and I have one of Nick's own too." Clara put in and got up.

We followed her up to her room and she ran into the closet. After minutes of searching, she stepped out with a box and laid it on the floor.

"I'm not sure if it fits you, but I remember it was always big on you." She stated as she pulled a suit out and held it out to Jared.

He smiled almost as if remembering.

"I'm can't believe you still have it after all these years." He said and held it up.

"I could never throw it away and every month I'd clean it to keep it nice." Clara said, blinking away tears.

I turned away from the love moment they were having and ruffled through the box myself. Finding one, I examined it and nodded to myself.

"Alright, well I'll wear this one so I'm going to go get dressed now." I stated and waked out the room.

"Blaze, wait. You could use those bathroom." Clara offered, but I shook my head.

"You both could use some alone time." I said and walked off.

I opened Belle's room and locked the door behind me. For some reason Belle's room had a sweet summer scent to it. All her things were organized and clean and it made me feel calm.

Oh, the dreams I've had of fucking her senseless in her room.

Smiling at the thought, I stripped out my clothes and quickly got dress in the tux.

It was a bit on the tight side, but fit nonetheless which was a relief.

Thinking back to what happened in the bathroom, I groaned and sat on her bed.

I had to admit that that was a pretty dumb thing I did, but didn't regret it. The feel of her body against me as she'd come. Damn, her scent was liking an intoxicating aroma that had me high with lust.

Fuck it, I had to save her and quickly. I fucking admit it. I need Belle here with me and there was nothing that was going to stop me from getting her.

I walked out the room and met Jared at the bottom.

"You ready?" He asked and I nodded my head.

Belle owed me a damn good fucking.

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