Hey guys, what happened on 9/11 2001?
I bet you all immediately thought "hijacked planes crashed into the twin towers and the pentagon." Or something like that.
But if I asked you, what happened on December 14, 2012, I bet few of you would know the answer. So let's talk about it.
On December 14, 2012, 20 children were killed at Sandy Hook elementary school at around 10:00 in the morning. The 4 year reunion date is coming up, so I thought I'd take this opportunity to talk about it.
I'll admit I have a pretty dark sense of humor, when my friends bring up the holocaust, or even 9/11, I will sometimes not be able to control my laughter. It's horrible, I know I know. Of course I recognize the seriousness of those events, all respect to people who lost someone in one of them. But when someone says Sandy Hook, I take it very seriously.
The thought of children, children, being killed or even just terrified, it just fucks with my head. The thing that freaks me the most, I think, is thinking about what it would be like to be one of the kids stuck in the building for hours.
Scenario time.
Imagine being 5 years old and hearing gunshots go off in your school. You sit for hours trembling in fear, wincing whenever you hear someone scream or beg for mercy, every cry followed by another shot and a thud of a body hitting the floor.
Wondering if any of the people dying are your friends. Having no idea if someone that you love or care about is dead. Having absolutely no way of knowing if that scream, if that gunshot, ended your friend's life, and you are absolutely helpless to stop it. Knowing that any small sound put your life, and the lives of every one around you in jeopardy. So you sit, for hours, not knowing if you are minutes from death, forced to have no idea what has happened to the people in the building that you love.
And then imagine finding out later that your friend did die. You'd have to think back to the time when you were trapped in the building. Did the shot that you heard at 10:45 end Josephine's life? Or was she already dead at 10:42? You say for hours hoping that she was still ok, when in reality, she was the first one killed.
Then there's the thought of being a parent. Getting the call, rushing to the fire department. Thinking over and over again, it can't be my kid, what are the odds it's my kid? That it's even the same grade? Out of the hundreds of kids in that school, there's no way it could be my kid that's dead.
And then you find it that it was. That the cruelty of chance picked you. Picked your baby girl or boy to be ripped from you without a moments notice.
You watch hundreds of other parents embrace their children in relief, and you wonder, why me?So on December 14 of this year, know it's not just another day. Know what happened, know that 20 children never got the chance to grow up. And wonder what would you would do if somebody decided to shoot up your school that day.
Just think about it.
fuck off cruel world
RandomSorry guys, I'm kind of a bitch. But whatever, cuz if you get offended by anything I have to say, it's not my problem. No one's asking you to read my shit. Tough love, guys.