K so I'm kinda freaking out cuz I learned a few hour ago that my friend got hurt so excuse me if I'm emotional.
Alright so yea. Trump is president.
So you know how I posted that thing right after he was elected? Yea well I'm sorry. Here's the thing.
America is an amazing country because of one thing. Freedom. That's what people die for here, that's why we were formed, that's the whole point of the American Dream. The point is for everyone to be equal, and to have the same rights.
Well, one of those rights is the right to vote. So you know what? Americans, real human people with thoughts and feelings and concerns, voted on the 8th of November. And they elected Trump as president. We did that. This country, where we have this beautiful right to choose who leads us.
So if America chose Trump, then it completely goes against the point of the country to deny it. What we should be doing is asking why.
While democrats were off being so sure that Hillary would win, we were ignoring the other half of the nation. Basically, the white middle class, uneducated people, who want their lives to be better, (more or less). And they saw Trump as a way to make the country a better place for their children to live.
Not nearly everyone who voted for Trump is "racist or sexist" they're just people down on their luck who probably don't agree with everything he says, but don't have the luxury to take principle into account. They were desperate, and they chose someone they thought could help them.
So yea. Do I support Trump? No. I hate the guy. But yes, he's our president. And why? Because the nation picked him. I still feel lucky to live in a country where we can pick our leaders.
But I also still feel like he's not the right leader. Him being president, however, isn't going to change what I believe in. So here's what I'm going to do, and I encourage you to do the same.
I'm gonna try to help out in my community, to help all people. Not just black people, or Hispanic people, or white people. Not just LGBTQ+ people, or Muslims, or poor people. Not just men, or women. All people. Because we all need help in our own ways. That's what the American Dream is about. Making everyone's voice heard. Making everyone equal.
And maybe in the next 4 years, if we all stand together as a nation, we can have a candidate who will represent all of us, because that's the way it should be. And maybe, they might just win.
Because the truth of the matter is, Trump isn't going to change this country.
We are.-- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
-Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address

fuck off cruel world
RandomSorry guys, I'm kind of a bitch. But whatever, cuz if you get offended by anything I have to say, it's not my problem. No one's asking you to read my shit. Tough love, guys.