Ok. Ok. Ok. Real quick. Update.
I have a boyfriend. We'll call him James. He's wonderful and I love him and we r so so happy. Almost 8 months now. Nothing that I'm about to say is meant to indicate that I still have feelings for someone else. I'm writing this because I feel something very strong, but idk what it is.
Here we go.
U know how I take my dreams really seriously? Ok well. 2 nights ago I had a dream that we were back in middle school. On the bus coming home from a track meet. "Noah", the guy I've been mentioning for the past 3 years, calls me over to his seat. Says he needs to show me something if I promise not to tell anyone. Pulls up his shirt, and he's been stabbed in the back. Says he was "in the way."
Yesterday. My friend and I are walking around at lunch, and Noah joins us. He doesn't talk to me, he hasn't spoken to me since that night at the football game months ago. This was the closest we'd been in months, just walking with a mutual friend.
Today. People are talking about a fight after school. 3 kids arrested, one expelled, one in the hospital. Serious shit. Who was hurt? I ask.
Noah. He was stabbed in the back.

fuck off cruel world
SonstigesSorry guys, I'm kind of a bitch. But whatever, cuz if you get offended by anything I have to say, it's not my problem. No one's asking you to read my shit. Tough love, guys.