Darkest Hour

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The bleakness of this mortal existance weighs heavily upon my bones.

My spirit is suffocated.

I have felt the sting of Futility and It's poison sears that which beats within.

Caught between the Gorgon's stare and a leap of Faith I find no comfort.

Demons of old draw near at the sweet aroma of my bleeding soul.

The gods of this age can offer me no favor;

they suffer confusion by their own reflections.

Surely Fate tires of my groans yet delights still in my pain;

for she holds my desire captive.

Vows taken in haste and without understanding have trapped me.

I am mocked by Time.

Though I escape this dark place I am bound still by Solitude.

I cannot, no, I will not accept his pardon of flesh without a soul.

My tears flow inward, my sorrows swirl about, my hope is bruised.

I feel now that in my darkest hour I reside.

I know not if I shall prevail.

With light that dims, eyes that search;

I reach for the Most High.

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