The Void

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Aimlessly I once drifted,

into an all consuming Void,

until my life's motions,

were just replayed celluloid.


Fading illusions which numbed,

were all my sightless eyes could see,

and breaths gone stale,

added to my sneaking misery.


Further and further,

twelve steps at a time,

I became ensnared by the Void,

its darkness choking my mind.


Pierced by black ice tentacles,

which strangled my beating fire,

the Void sucked more than marrow,

it slurped all my passion and desire.


Trudging along with a rotting gait,

I was never able to weigh the cost,

since all my dusty particles,

to the Void seemed forever lost.


Little were the Void and I aware,

that from the Realm where stars glow,

Fate had been ordained,

to send me a Light in the guise of a Shadow.


So subtle and unassuming,

was the manner of my Light's advance,

that the Void plus I,

fell victim to It's infiltrating trance.


With claws so fierce,

my Light did pull at me,

digging into my essence,

to from the Void set me free.


Wailing and gushing,

my wounds made themselves known,

reaching and pleading,

I thought myself alone.


Soothing my anguish with rays,

is how my Light chose to tend,

smiling away the sorrow,

is how my Light did mend.


Leading with glints so precious,

my Light swore never to depart,

so ever near and never far,

is my Light's reach for my heart.


So thank you always,

to my Light I wish to say,

for your joyous beam,

will always make me sway.

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