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Where do I go from here,

when I'm so terribly lost

and life is nowhere near.


The thoughts of others drone,

ever reminding me that

I'm trapped, forsaken, and alone.


In my dreams I wander far,

back to an escape

through the sheen of a distant star.


Soaring high to Heaven's graceful peak,

Sun glaze and Moon glow

wash me of everything bleak.


When I shake myself anew,

I know she'll be there waiting,

the one for whom my heart beats true.


Atop that elated summit,

our hands join for a dance

with gazes meant never to plummet.

Our doting caresses to us belong,

as rhythmic pulses and entwined breaths

play our favorite song.


Sweeping across the twinkling sky,

I get lost in her presence

which makes me feel as if I could fly.


Far beneath our playful feet,

dusk meanders back to dawn,

beckoning an end to my sweet sleep.


Holding on until that wake from rest,

she bids me farewell

with a smile she knows I love best. 


Drifting back into the day's slow burn,

I'm able to bear it all now,

for I know with the night she'll soon return.

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