Chapter 14

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Woah, I've got over 3k reads on this book and over 100 votes. Thank you so much to everyone who's commented or voted!

I'm really going to try to update more regularly, I'll aim to post a new chapter every Sunday/Monday

This hasn't been checked fully for spelling or grammar because I just want to get the chapter out, so please ignore any mistakes!


When I woke up Michael was no longer in my bed. I assumed he'd left before they realised he wasn't in his room. I headed to the shower area which was a lot nice than the one in genpop, it had curtains dividing the shower heads giving me a little privacy. I stripped down and quickly hopped in the shower putting my head under the warm water singing to myself quietly as I washed my hair. Just then I noticed a pair of feet standing just in front of my curtain. I stepped back quickly wrapping my arms around myself as the curtain began to move. A sigh passed through my body as Michael's face appeared. I stepped forward and punched him in the arm "You scared me!" I said laughing. He smiled.

"May I come in?" He asked his eyes flickering down my body.

"Fine" I said smiling.

He stepped into the water closing the curtain behind him. I wrapped my arms around him avoiding the burn on his back. "I really missed you" I said. He kissed my cheek.

"You still have shampoo in your hair" He whispered back to me.

I giggled. "So romantic"

He pulled away and began running his fingers through my hair. I closed my eyes letting the water run over my face. As it began to run colder a memory from the past popped into my head.

I stood shivering below the spluttering shower head, cold water tricking onto my body. There was a loud banging on the bathroom door. "Olivia hurry the fuck up there's someone here to see you" My father shouted. We'd been travelling around the country for the last 4 years staying in dingy motels and cheap B&Bs. This dump was no exception.

I quickly stepped out the shower drying my body and hair before putting on the tight shirt and top I'd been wearing the past few days. I sprayed some air freshener over myself and ran my fingers through my hair. I stepped out the bathroom, treading carefully around the mysterious stains on the beige carpet. I stepped into the one other room in the motel, the bedroom. My father stood with his back to me talking to other man who I didn't recognise.

The man's eyes connected with mine causing my father to turn around. "Ah Olivia, you're here" He stepped towards me and grabbed my arm pulling me forward so I was standing directly in front of the man. I could see the lust in his eyes as they travelled down my body. "Olivia, this is Mr Abruzzi" My father said. I nodded, my eyes staring at the floor. I zoned out as my father discussed prices with this man. A pinch in my thigh from my father brought me back from inside my head. I looked up and saw the two men shaking hands, then money being exchanged. "You have an hour" My father said. He turned and walked out the door locking it behind him.

I closed my eyes and began to unbutton my shirt the ritual all too familiar. Before I could finish a pair of hands closed around mine. I opened my eyes. The man leaned in close, his mouth just next to my ear. "As much as I'd like to fuck you right now, we need to go"

Before I could say anything he dragged me into the bathroom. I stood in the corner watching him fiddle with parts of the window until he finally got it open. He lifted me up and carefully dropped me on the other side before jumping down himself. As soon as his feet touched the group a car skidded to a halt next to us. He opened the door and gestured me inside before climbing in behind me. As the car sped off I turned to him "Um..Mr Abruzzi" I said my voice stuttering.

He looked at me "It's John. You're safe now Olivia"

"Olivia" Michael said gently. I was back in the shower. I stepped away from him.

"I'll see you later okay" I said and walked out the shower ignoring the sound of his protests. I wrapped my towel around myself tightly and made a quick dash into my room. After getting dressed I curled up into a ball on my bed a got out my notebook. I turned to a new page and starting drawing Michael. After a while I decided to go into the break room to see if Charles wanted to play cards. I walked in looking to the window where he normally stood, but he wasn't there. I noticed that the closet door had been opened so decided to look inside. As soon as I realised what was happening I burst in. Michael had Charles pinned up against the wall his fingers down his throat. I ran at him pushing him away "What the hell are you doing I shouted" Positioning myself in front of Charles "You said you just wanted to talk to him"

"Move out the way Olivia" Michael said, his voice low. "He can't remember my tattoos because of the medication, he can't take it" 

"I'll talk to him, don't lay a hand on him again" I said angrily. 

I grabbed Charles by the arm and gently pulled him out the room to some chairs in the corner. "Charles look at me" I said turning his head so he was facing me "Listen you can't take the pills anymore okay, hide them in your mouth like you showed me or throw them up afterwards. This is important okay" He nodded and I could tell he understood. 

Later we all gathered in my room and I handed Charles some paper and a pen. Michael stood up and pulled down his top revealing the burn that ruined the tattoo. There was a flicker in Charles' eyes. "Oh no. It's gone" he said in wonder.

"That's why I need you to fix it" Michael said.Charles looked at me "I remember" He said before starting to draw.


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