Chapter 33

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Well hey! First of all sorry! It is has been 2 whole years since the last update and I am sorry about that. Want to say thank you to every single person whose given my little story a chance, beyond flattered. The past two years, I'm not sure what to even say. I've been on the journey of my life. I've had some of the happiest moments of my life and some of the hardest. I cried and laughed and smiled and felt emotions I've never felt before. During that time if things ever got hard I would always think back to my favourite quote.

"Like a dandelion up through the pavement, I persist" - Wentworth Miller 

It been an emotional rollercoaster but I wouldn't have it any other way. So thanks again for joining me on this journey and let's hope it's not another two years till the next chapter. Not sure where this is going but we'll find out together <3.


The door to the garage clicks open and the other men file in. I let go of Michaels hand and grab a shovel to help dig. "I don't think so." Lincoln says stepping forward and taking the shovel out of my hands. "Not while you're carrying my niece or nephew." I roll my eyes but can't help smiling at his kindness.

I noticed T-bag hadn't entered. "You left him to watch Mariana!?" I exclaimed, "Really!" The men shuffled a bit and shrugged. "Oh for gods sake." I said leaving the garage to check what T was up to.

When I entered the room T-bag was standing directly in front of Mariana staring at the tattoo on her wrist. "So if you have the key...who has the lock?" He asked her. She opened her mouth as if to answer before T-bag noticed me in the doorway. "Ohhhhhhhhhh" He exclaimed loudly pointing at my thigh where my lock tattoo was. "Damn you two really were in love.... or still are.." He said with a devilish smirk on lips, he was living for this.

I sigh and point to the door. "Out." He pouted.

"I'm meant to look after her in case you try to kill her again" He said.

"I'm not going to, now out."

He shuffled out the door looking behind regretfully, fucking nosy I thought to myself slamming the door behind him.

I moved to sit on the window sill in front of Mariana. She had her head down with her hands tied on her lap. "Hey" I said quietly. She looked up at me.


"I need to tell you something." I said. She stayed silent so I continued despite the lump in my throat. "John's dead Ana. He...he got shot." The noise she made was one of pure heartbreak and pain. John had saved her from an abusive foster family and helped her find her mum. My face crumpled and the tears I hadn't cried yet all came out. I cut the rope around her hands and wrapped myself around her. He tiny hands gripped at my shirt as we both sobbed into each other.

It was my 18th birthday. After a long day of training John called Mariana and I to his office. It was decorated with balloons and a banner with my name on it. He'd bought all my favourite foods and music was blasting out from speakers. Everyone came and we all laughed and danced and sang. I forgot about everything else. In that moment I was dancing with the love of my life and the man who'd saved my life.

We held each other for what felt like forever. I let go first and sat back on the window sill my head in my hands while Mariana sat back down rubbing the rope marks on her wrist.

She looked up at me her eyes bloodshot from crying. "What now?" She whispered.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "There's a massive chunk of money under your garage, we're digging it up. I'll make sure you get a bit then we'll be out of your hair."

Mariana grabbed my hand desperation seeping out of her pores. "Take me with you." She said with a wild look in her eyes. "When I saw the reports that you'd escaped all I wanted was to be with you." She paused. "Livvy I've missed you so much... I ... I still love you."

"Ana" I said in a pained voice. " You know I'm with Michael now. I'm carrying his baby."

"You're pregnant?" She gasped reaching forward to place one hand on my stomach. 

I nodded tears still in my eyes. "It's been a long time Ana." I sighed.

She opened her mouth to say something else but before she could say anything C-note crashed through the door, "Liv we found the money!"

I pulled out the pocketknife I had tucked in my sock and cute the ties round Anas' legs, "Come see what's under your garage." I said a smile on my face. I grabbed her hand and we followed C-note through the door and back to the garage. 

The boys were standing staring into the giant hole in the middle of the floor. Dirty, crumpled dollar bills were at the bottom. I looked up and made eye contact with Micheal, he had a huge smile of his face that dropped slightly as he noticed Anas' hand in mine. I quickly dropped her hand.

My brow furrowed as I saw there was one member of the group missing, before I could say anything there was a terrified scream from in the house. 

"MUM!" Ana screamed before running back into the house.


Thank you for reading!!! Appreciate you all. Will hopefully get another chapter out soon!

Much love 


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2020 ⏰

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