Chapter 21

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Holy shit thank you so much, when I came back from being away for a week I had almost 100 notifications and now over 17k reads! Thanks for the love and patience <3 

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Lincoln headed to the window ignoring the men's shouts of protest. I followed behind and grabbed his elbow. "Are you sure Linc, you know he's crazy right." He shrugged me off.

"I don't need you on my back as well Liv, get the fuck away from me."

I took a step back. "Okay what the hell Linc, can you chill the fuck out."

He walked towards me till he was practically looming over me.

"You've already jeopardised this plan enough and you're going to a liability on the outside because you fucking killed them." He shouted at me.

I lowered my voice, aware of the silence that had fallen over the room"I thought you got it, you said you knew what they did."

"Doesn't mean I can't be pissed, they were my fucking parents!" Linc practically screamed at me.

Oh god.

I looked behind me and Michael stared back his sickeningly blue eyes awash with pain and anger.

"Michael please." I begged. Even though I wasn't sure what I was begging for. But he turned away.

The tiny threads keeping my heart together from the last time someone pulled it apart snapped. I slowly walked backwards until my back hit the wall and slid to the floor. The men stared at me for a moment before springing back into action. I could hear John talking but the words didn't make any sense.

I watched Linc climb out the window onto the wire. John was next out but before he climbed onto the wire he looked back at me. He jumped down and gestured for Sucre to go next before heading over. Charles suddenly stumbled and fell to the floor beside me clutching his stomach. C-note rushed over pulling back the makeshift bandages to look at the gash. It was deep and still bleeding, Charles' face was completely white.

Michael came over and crouched in front of Charles, his face carefully angled so he didn't have to look at me. As Charles made Michael promise to go to his daughter I gripped his warm hand in mine. He turned to me "You're a clever girl Liv, things will work out for you." My tears threatened to spill but I blinked them back.

"Thank you." I whispered. 

He turned back to Michael. "The money is buried under a silo at the Double K Ranch just outside of Tooele, Utah. There's plenty to split. The government didn't want any more embarrassment after I took off with the money, so they lowballed it to the papers."

"The truth is, Michael, it's not $1 million under that silo. There's $5 million there."

Another type of silence spread around the already silent room. It was as if everyones mind had just gone blank, the only thought being this sum of money. I looked from T-bag to Tweener to Manche, to C-note to John and finally to Michael. 

The men began to move again but I knew their brains were occupied. John grabbed me by my arms and pulled me to my feet. He gripped my face in his hands and shook it gently "Now's not the time Liv, once we get over that wall you explain, okay. You explain why you did what you did and you tell him." I nodded. John kissed my forehead and climbed out the window. There was only myself, Michael and Manche left.

Michael finished speaking to Charles, he nodded at Manche and climbed out, I watched him go, a sinking feeling in my heart. 

Manche took a step back from the window "I better go last." He said and I nodded stepping forward to take his place.

I wiped my sweaty hands and climbed onto the wire wrapping my legs around it. I wasn't even halfway across before the floodlights flashed on. The alarm wailed and I could hear dogs barking. "Cmon Liv." I could hear John shouting. I could feel the wire dipping, it wasn't going to take this much longer. "Move it Liv!" John shouted.

There was a snapping sound as the wire pulled away from the wall. I cursed Manche in my head as the wire swung and the wall approached. I smashed into it hard. Head on. I cried out as my stomach hit the wall. My baby.

I started to climb but it was hard to see, blood was trickling into my eye from a cut on my forehead. I could see a shape on top of the wall, I extended my arm hoping they would out stretch theirs. My eyes focused and Michael stared down at me. He looked at my shaking arm reaching for him, and he turned away, disappearing over the other side of the wall.


Dun dun dun! Michael now knows Liv killed his parents but he still doesn't know about the baby.... and she took quite a hit.....

Sorry for being so mean guys!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter

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