Veo: Leonardo and Venus

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Just another normal day for a mutant turtle like my sisters and I. We're kunowichis. Female ninjas. We have natural enemies like the Foot clan, our shadow counterparts, so on and so forth. Not to mention high school. When will our lives begin (see what I did there). I'm talking about y'know being in love or something like that. My sisters call me Venus or Vee. My real name is Mei Pei Chi. Not only am I a kunowichi, but I'm also a shinobi.
  I just got back from a another exhausting day of school. Well at least today was the last day of school. "AMY!!!" And there you have it. Part 1 of a hectic life. I have 3 sisters. Well, by faith not by blood. There's Talena, Larota, and then our little sister, Amoly. "Alright guys, what's the problem now?"
"Oh, wow look who just woke up. What a surprise." Lara said sarcastically. "Very funny Lara. Very funny" I said sounding sarcastic as well. "So, what's going on?"
"None of your concern Venus. Everything is fine."
"Well I'm sorry to interrupt Lara, but if I remember correctly you were just about to show Ruby a new show called 'Does Amy Bend That Way',weren't you?" Then Lara gave Taly the death stare. Or as we like to call it the "You better shut up right now or else I'm gonna rip your lips off your face with my bare hands" stare. "Look guys, I know we don't have normal lives unlike Casey or April. But please, try not to rip each other in half." April O'Neil and Casey Jones are our friends from school. But every time when April's phone rings, she acts very suspicious. EVEN CASEY! But their still our friends.
  "Umm guys?" Taly said, "What, what is it Tee."
"You're not gonna believe this but..."
"But what?"
"It's 'them' again" Oh boy, that could only mean 1 thing. The Foot Clan. Their leader is Oroku Saki. The most strongest ninja we've ever fought before. "C'mon ladies. Looks like we're gonna have some fun tonight." All month we've been training for nothing. All month long. Finally! Something exciting for once. "Alright Taly, where to?"
"The old warehouse."
"Alright ladies, let's move." But as soon as we got there. There was already a battle going on. Foot soldiers and...TURTLES?! "Woah dudes. Look more turtles!!" Screamed a turtle in an orange mask. "Ok, so we aren't the only ones. Great." said another turtle in a red mask. "So what, are you guys new here?" asked a turtle in a purple mask. "What?! No! We've lived here our whole lives! And it turns out, we aren't the only ninjas in town. And technically we're girls, might I add." said Lara. Then the 4 turtles burst into laughter. "Wait, what?!"
"Shouldn't you girls be at home painting your nails or talking about boys or something like that?"
"Really? Cause we can take your weapons without you boys noticing."
"Oh, really? I'd like to see you try." said the red masked turtle. "Ok. Fine. Try to take out your weapons." I said. They agreed. But when they tried to take out their weapons, well let's just say that they failed. Miserably. "Wait,
WHAT?!" yelled a turtle in a blue mask. "Looking for these boys?" I said as my sisters and I held their weapons. "Whatever. You girls still don't have what it takes to be a real ninja."
"Speaking of being a real ninja, aren't you boys supposed to be real gentlemen and, oh I dunno, introduce yourselves?" As soon as I said that, the turtles started to blush a little. The turtle in the blue mask was Leonardo; the one in purple was Donatello; the one in red was Raphael and the one in orange was Michealangelo. Then my sisters and I introduced ourselves. "I'm Venus, these are my sisters; Lara, Taly, and Amy." Michelangelo started blushing a lot when he saw Amy.
"So, I guess we missed the fun huh?" I asked them. They were confused at first, but they got the idea later on. Then someone's phone started ringing in a tune that sounded so weird. "Amy."
"WHA?! Okay 1 that's not me and 2 my phone's back home."
"Oh my bad little sis." The ringtone was actually coming from Leonardo. After he took his call one of his brothers asked him what the call was about. "It was April" he said. "Wait, as in April O'Neil?" I asked. "Yeah, why?" Leonardo asked. "Actually she's my friend."      (Y'know what? Let's just skip all of this cause this is taking forever for me to finish)
  Leonardo and his brothers decided to invite us to their home. "So where do you guys live?" I asked. "We're almost there" Raphael said. "And we are here." Michealangelo said. "Ladies, especially Amoly, welcome to La Casa de Turtles!" So they're turtles that live in the sewers. Greeeeeeeaaaaaaaaat. "Well what are you waiting? C'mon! Unless you're afraid that a croc might pop out and rip your head off." Raphael said, teasing me and my sisters. "We aren't scared ok? It's just that y'know we live in an apartment building." Lara said to Raphael, trying to stand up for us. "Isn't that our house right there?" Amy asked with a surprised look on her face. "Uhhhhhh" Lara said. "Well laidies?" Raph asked. "Ok, ok, calm down" Lara annoyingly said.
                  *inside the turtles lair*
  "UGH! What is that smell?! Making me wanna... ULP!! Oh no."
"Amy no NO NO NO!!!!" And then Amy threw up. "Oh no! I am so sorry!! Amy are you ok?" I apologized. The turtles were ok with it. I mean, c'mon. What do expect when you're 4 ninja girls who live in an apartment building and go inside a sewer for the first time? So, the turtles showed us around. Honestly, I got confused where to go. But later on I got the hang of it. "And this is the lab." said Donatello. Just looking at Taly's face, I could tell that she was fascinated, a lot. "You are incredible. I mean YOUR LAB. Yeah your lab is so incredible. Hehe." Taly said sounding very suspicious. "Is this robot yours?"
"Yeah, his name's Metalhead." Donnie said. "You're so cute, I mean METALHEAD! Metalhead is cute. Yeah, totally what I meant to say." Taly said. I wonder what's up with Taly, and what's up with Mikey blushing all the time whenever he's around Amy, I thought to myself. "Well I guess we best get going. See ya." I said when we left the turtles lair.
                  *many months later*
  Me and my sisters started seeing the turtles more often. And I think we're falling for them. I mean sure, they're obnoxious, loud, and not to mention childish a bit. But, I honestly don't mind. One night I decided to finally tell Leo, about my feelings and how I felt. When I was half-way there, I just realized something, I forgot that I was half dragon. How could I tell Leo that I was half dragon?, I thought to myself. "Just calm down Venus. Everything is gonna be just fine." I said to myself. "Hey Leo?"
"Oh,hey Vee. Is everything alright?" Leo asked. I started to blush a lot. "Yeah, yeah. Everything's ok." I said still trying my best not to freak out. "Hey, Leo. Can I talk to you for a sec?" I asked. "Sure Vee, anything you want."
Leo and I walked to somewhere quiet so that the others couldn't hear. But as soon as I turned around, Leo kissed me. I was blushing so much. "Venus, look. I've known you for a number of months now, and, well you see..." Leo said blushing as well. I looked into his beautiful dark blue eyes. Leo and I had that moment, when everything and everyone disappeared, even though we were the only ones in the dojo. After that, I confessed my feelings to Leo to him. And then, Leo confessed his feelings to me. After we confessed our feelings to each other, we shared one more kiss. I guess my secret will have to wait another day.

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