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Venus POV
Ever since I was born, I've always had this poem in my head. "Hair dark as night, skin like a peach, she will reach her rivers peak." I didn't know what that meant. But all I knew was that I lost focus in training. "Hey Venus!" Lara called. "You still with us Vee?" Taly asked. I quickly looked in front of me and saw Leo charging towards me. I dodged out of the way, refocusing myself to the training. Concentrate Venus, I thought to myself. I took out my tessens and charged towards him. I did my special move. Double jab, left hook, right hook, upper cut, and the finishing move, the drop kick. I let out my hand and helped Leo up. "Nice sparing for someone who had her head up in the clouds." Leo said. I blushed of embarrassment a little bit. But I also smiled softly.
   After training, I decided to visit my mother again. I visit her through meditation for those of you wondering. But for some reason, I couldn't connect with her spirit. "Hey Venus." said a voice. I turned to see who it was. It was Leo. "Oh. Hey Leo."
"So, you talking with your mom again?" he asked. "I tried, but for some reason, I couldn't connect with her."
"And that's happened before?"
"No, it never has." I said concerned. I feared that something had happened to my mother's spirit while I was training. Then I got a splitting headache. "You okay there?"
"Yeah. I'm fine. I just need to lie~" my sentence was cut off once the headache got even worse. I fell to the ground. Holding my head. "Guys! C'mere!" Leo called the others. Everyone else came in running. "What is Leo?!" Mikey asked frantically. "It's Venus. I think something's wrong." Leo told them. I was still in pain. All I could feel was a hand touch my head. Then I just saw a bright light. And in an instant, I saw green. I opened my eyes to find myself in a forest. "What the heck happened?!" I heard a voice. I turned around and saw the others. "Where are we?" Amy asked. "I dunno. But I can definitely point my finger at who brought us here. Venus!" Taly said. "What?"
"It must've happened when you had that headache." Leo said. Now that he mentioned it, he had a point. Whenever I get a splitting headache, something that has to do with my powers happens. But before I could say anything, a band of ninjas in pitch black suits with weapons appeared. (Hint:they're in Japan. So they're speaking Japanese to our heroes. I tried Google translate, and it helped me but, I don't know how to get The Japanese to the text, so. I'm giving you English). "Dono yō akushitsuna ikimono ga kono?" (What kind of vile creatures are these?)
"Karera ga nandearu ka, daredearu ka wa kankei arimasen. Karera wa haijo sa renakereba narimasen. Kōgeki!" (It doesn't matter what or who they are. They must be eliminated. ATTACK!) yelled one of the ninjas. I assumed she was the leader. "Hai!" (The one Japanese word I know) all the ninjas said. They all charged towards us at once. They attacked us. The others weren't ready for their moves, but I knew them by heart. Just then, I looked over to Raph, who was getting his shell kicked, and saw something uncalled for. Double jab, left hook, right hook, upper cut, and the finishing move, drop kick. "What?" I snapped out of my questions and saw Raph on the ground. "Raph!" I yelled out as Lara and I ran over to him. Lara got there first. "Raph! You okay?" Lara asked frantically. "Yeah. I'm fine." he said putting his hand on his head. How did they know that move, I thought to myself. Then it hit me. We were in the past. That's probably where I got my special move. Then, out of the blue, the leader was in front of me. She spoke in her native tongue. "Your life ends here." She said, trying to intimidate me. I wasn't afraid. I've dealt with worse. I started speaking in her language. "Dare mo watashinokazoku o kizutsukeru koto wanai." (No one hurts my family) I said in Japanese. Then she spoke English. "Ah, I see you speak our native tongue."
"And I see you speak our native tongue." I said charging towards her. She unsheathed her katanas and tried to slash me. But I dodged. I took out my tessens and attacked her. She was really good at this. Then she finally caught me off guard, swept her leg left, and knocked me off me feet. I fell to the ground in pain. She put up her katana near my chest, ready to end my life. "For a non-human being," she said, "you fight with honor. And I respect you and your allies." she said helping me up. She did the traditional Japanese bow of honor. As did I in respect. "I am Hupo, warrior of the Pei Chi clan." she said taking her mask off. Her short pitch black hair in a ponytail held by a pale blue band. Her eyes were a greenish grey. "I'm Venus De Milo. These are my friends. Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo. And my sisters, Larota, Talena, and Amoly. Warriors of America." I said. "Forgive me friends, but you mustn't be here at time like this."
"What? Why?" I asked. "The Foot Clan is about. They want to eliminate us anyway possible." Hupo said. I had a concerned face. I completely forgot about the Foot. "Come. Let us show you our village." Hupo invited. We agreed, but, how would an entire village react to 8 giant turtles. Then I had an idea. The watches Taly gave us had the ability to turn us into the life form around us. "Guys, switch you watches to humans." I told my sisters. They switched their watches to human. We all had the traditional Japanese black ninja suit. My hair was in a braid. Lara's hair in a ponytail with one part sticking out. Taly's hair was let down. And Amy's hair was in 2 short pigtails. Now we only had to worry about the guys. "Don't worry guys. I got you covered." Taly said turning to them. I don't know how she did it. But in an instant, the turtles transformed into humans. "Woah. Dudes, look! I got man hands yo!" Mikey said ecstatically. They were all mesmerized by this.
   Once Hupo took us to the village, my heart sank. Houses torn down, barricaded doors and windows. But looking at the people broke my heart. They were in poverty's cruel cold hands. Outside, cooking their food over a small fire. "The village never looked like this before. Before, it was filled with farms, sturdy houses, and happy people. That was, until Oroku Saki attacked. He planned to wipe out the Clan. Leaving only the children. Molding their minds into cold-hearted people." Hupo explained. After hearing about this, my heart was broken into a million pieces. This was my Clan, these were my people. "Are you doing anything to help them?" I asked. "Our leader is still deciding what to do to help them. They are his people too." Hupo said. Little do you know that they're my people as well, I thought. Hupo guided us to her house when a woman with long black hair in a beige long sleeved shirt and long black pants came running towards us. I noticed that she was carrying a baby wrapped in cloth. "Hupo!"
"Taki!" Hupo called back. (Taki;Japanese for Waterfall). There was something familiar about the woman. The way she smiled, her voice. Her voice, I thought. "Who is the little angel?" Hupo asked. "Mei Pei Chi." Taki said. Then it hit me. Taki was my mother, and the baby was me. But once again, I didn't say anything. "Friends, I would like to introduce you to my little sister, Taki." Hupo said. "Kon'nichiwa." Taki said bowing. We did the same. Taki showed us Mei Pei Chi. The baby showed us her toothless smile. I did the same. Only showing my teeth. Her voice, I thought. "Anyways. I have to get some bread for you know who." Taki said. Hupo chuckled a little. Before she walked off, we said goodbye. For me, it would be the last goodbye to my mother and father. "Anyways. I should take you to my house. You will find comfort there." Hupo said.
   Once we got to Hupo's house, she told us more about how she and her family are planning to stop the Foot Clan, once and for all. "We do not know how we will do it. But all I know is the Oroku Saki will fall with his Clan." Hupo said sipping her tea. "Anyways, we should get going. Thank you Hupo." Leo said bowing is respect. Hupo did them same in gratitude. Once we were outside, all I could think about was about my Clan. Knowing that they would no longer exist. "You okay Venus?" Lara asked. "You've been pretty quiet lately. Is everything alright?" Leo asked putting his hand on my shoulder. "I'm fine. Really. I am." I lied. Denying the fact that I was not fine.
   We were walking in the forest, when I heard the most blood curdling, ear deafening scream. "You hear that?" Leo asked. "How could I not? That scream was so loud, I think I've gone deaf." Raph said. I knew that scream from anywhere. It was my mother. I climbed a tree to get a better view. And then, I saw smoke in the distance. Red and orange flakes. Fire. Not just any fire. Death fire. "Mom!" I yelled. I jumped down from the tree. "Guys. Fire. In the distance. My parents!" I said panicking. I could barely breathe. "Woah, woah! Venus, calm down!" Leo said holding me by the shoulders. "There's no time to calm down Leo! My parents are in danger!" I yelled. I ran. Running faster then ever. I turned back into a turtle. I didn't care. My parents were in danger. But once I got there. I was too late. The house was in a bonfire, my mother on the ground in petrifying fear. And Shredder. Holding my father by his shirt, his falcon claws out. All I saw was red. I couldn't move. I was terrified from what I saw. My father. On the ground, sprawled out. Death had a soul to pick up when all of this madness was done. "Venus!" yelled a voice in the distance. I didn't bother to turn around to see who it was. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Give me the girl!" Shredder yelled out. "Never! Not after what you did to my husband!" my mother yelled. "Then you will die the same death as your husband." I looked up slowly. Turning back to a human. My hair in front of my face, only to see no one. I remember know. Before Shredder has the chance to kill my mother, she ran off with me. Fleeing to a river. That's how I got my water powers. The river protected me from harm while giving me powers. And Hupo. Hupo. I snapped back to reality, only to hear Leo's voice yelling. "Venus! C'mon! We have to go!" he yelled. I stood up. Not saying anything. Too depressed to say anything.
   I teleported us back to our time period. I felt myself turn back into a turtle. "Finally. 3 fingers once again." Donnie said. "I dunno. I kinda liked being a human." Mikey said. I walked to the dojo to meditate for a little while.
  My family. Gone. Then I felt water splash on my face. "Hey Venus!" Amy said. "C'mon! Pizza's here." Taly said. I got up and walked to the living room. There were my sisters and the guys enjoying a slice of pizza. I smiled softly. I may have lost my biological family, but at least I didn't lose my other family. I sat down and took a slice. Feels like forever since I've had a slice of pizza. I'm just happy I have another family right here with me.

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