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   Venus POV
       A few months have passed after we found out our entire lives were a lie. My sisters had gotten over it. Well...everyone except me. I was devastated when I found out.
I went out for a little fresh air. I was by myself. When some Foot bots attacked me. I couldn't defeat them all by myself. I was knocked out. I woke up in some kind of lab. Then it hit me. I was in Shredder's laboratory. "Welcome home daughter." He said as came out of the shadows. "Why did you bring me here? Tell me! WHY?!" I screamed. "That is your dragon begging you to set her free from your spirit." He said. "I'll never let her out! NEVER!" I screamed again.
   "LET OUR SISTER GO!" Yelled a familiar voice. I looked up and saw my sisters and the guys. "Too late. This laser will wipe her memory clean. And with that, I will mold her into joining the Foot Clan, and I will be unstoppable!" Shredder said. "Not on our watch!" Leo said. But before they could save me, Shredder's servants and Foot bots came out of no where. They fought them off, until Leo came to save me. But, he was too late. Shredder pressed a button...
Venus (no memory) POV
I didn't know where I was. I blacked out. "VENUS!" Yelled a voice. As I woke up I saw 7 giant weird looking green lizards. I screamed. "WHO ARE YOU?! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!" I yelled. I looked at my hand and realized I was one of them. "Venus. Calm down. It's us. Your family. Don't you remember?" One of them asked. "What family? I don't have a family. And who's Venus?" I passed out.
I woke up in some kind of weird looking room. "What is this place?" I asked them. "You're in my lab." said a purple masked creature. "What's a lab?"
"A place where I do experiments and make inventions." he said. At least I think it was a guy. "So, this is where you live?" I asked them. "Yeah. You live here too." said a creature with a blue mask. "I do?" I asked them. Before they could answer my question, I saw a winged lizard. "Ah!" I screamed. But then I calmed down a bit. "Aww. Who's this cutie?"
"I wonder who named you."
"You did." The others said. "I'm guessing you're a rare lizard." I said. "It's a dragon." The blue masked creature said. Later on they introduced themselves to me.
The turtles gave me a tour of their home. Then Leo gave me tour of my room. I found a photo of a family. They all look so happy together. "Hey, Leo. Who's this?" I asked him. "Oh. That's your family."
"But, I thought you guys were my family."
"Well, we are. But, that's your real family." Leo said. "Oh." I said. Leo touched my hand. I started to blush a bit. I felt my heart pounding in my chest. "HEY LEO!" Yelled a voice. We ran outside the room and into the living room. Everyone was there. They were talking about some kind of super mutegen that had to be stopped. I asked if I could go with them, but they insisted that I stayed behind.
A few hours later, I got a phone call from Mikey. They were trapped in an old business building. I didn't know where that was.
Once I got there, I went to look for the others. "Guys? Where are you?" I whispered. "Venus? Venus! We're over here!" I heard Amy. "How do I get you guys out of here?"
"Oh, I completely forgot to tell you. You have super strength." Mikey said. "Wait, so I have super strength, and you never told me?!" I said annoyed. "My bad." Mikey said. I opened the door, and we all made a run for it. Until a bunch of robots came out of no where. "Oh, great." Raph said. We all fought them until this huge robot appeared. "Well, well, well. What do we have here?" he asked. "Uh, who's that?!" I asked. "Kraang Sub-Prime!" Mikey yelled. He attacked us. We all dodged the attack, but not the everyone. "LEO!" I yelled. Kraang had pinned Leo to the floor about to saw him in half with a circular saw for a hand. I just stood there in tears as I watched Leo panic. Then I felt something I've never felt before. I felt my fists clench harder then ever. I felt something come out of my spirit for the first time. I felt my feet leave the floor. "Let him go." I said quietly. "Ha! Not in a million years!" Kraang said. "I said let. Him. GO!" I yelled out of anger. I ran straight towards Kraang and punched him in the face head on. After that. I passed out.
    Venus (memory) POV
       I woke up to find myself in TCRI. "She's waking up." a familiar voice said. "Ugh. What happened? And how did I end up in TCRI?" I asked. "She's back!" yelled Donnie. "C'mon. Let's get out of here before more Kraang come." I said.
                           *back at the lair*
   "Good to have you back Vee." Leo said. "It's good to be back." I said. The others told me what happened.
     It feels good to have my memory back.

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