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    We were in the living room one night when I decided to pull a prank on Lara. Since she has a huge fear of bugs, I decided to tell her that there was a spider on her shell. "Hey Lara."
"Yeah Amy?"
"Is that a spider on the back of your shell?" I asked. "Oh, no."
"Brace for impact." Venus and Taly said. Lara didn't stop to feel if there was an actual spider on her shell. She started screaming and running around like a crazy person. "Get it off! Get it off!" she yelled. I started laughing like crazy. "Wait a minute." Lara stopped. She turned to me and scrunched her face in anger. "Wait for it." Venus said reading a book. "I am going to crush you Amy!" Lara yelled. I started running for my life. "There it is." Taly said. This happened all the time. Finally she caught up with me, put me in an arm lock, and pinned me to the ground. "Say it!"
"Larota is the most wisest and powerful being there is." I yelped. "And?" Lara said tightening the lock. "And she's better then me in every possible way!" I yelped even louder. Lara licked her finger and put it in front of me. "And?!"
"Lara! Please mercy! Have mercy on my soul!"
"I won't give you mercy until you say it!"
"And I'm just a lowly worm who doesn't belong in this universe!" I yelled. Lara finally let me go. I know she was just picking on me, like always. But, this? Really?! "Thank you." I said in relief.
    The next night, my sisters and I went out for patrol. The guys went to patrol one half of the city while we patrol the other half. We split up into pairs. Venus with Taly, and Lara and I. "See anything odd?" Lara asked. "Nope. Wait. I think I see something." I said looking at a familiar Shadow in the distance. Once Lara came over and saw the figure, the look on her face scared me a little. "Wh-what is it?"
"Get down!" Lara said. We ducked behind the ledge. Once we got up, the figure was gone. "C'mon." Lara said. We met the figure to a rooftop. Lara stopped. I was right behind her. "Wait." Lara said. It was quiet. Too quiet. "We're not alone." Lara said keeping her fist in the air. She threw her shuriken at a water tower. "We know you're there! C'mon out!" she yelled. The figure came out from behind the tower and it jumped down. "Get ready." Lara said. I was still confused. But, I took out my manriki and went into to battle mode.
Lara POV
I told Amy to get ready. I knew who this was, and I wasn't gonna let her hurt me or my little sister. "Why hello Lara"
"Synergy." I said. I looked at her hands and saw that she had lost the falcon claws. "I see you lost your falcon claws." I said. "Oh, those old things? Yeah, turns out, they weren't good enough for me. I needed something stronger. Like...this perhaps?" Synergy said. She pulled out a huge sword. "We're dead." Amy said terrified. As Synergy swung the sword, I saw that it was about to hit Amy. I pushed her out of the way. "Is this gonna be like last time Lara? You not fighting me? Telling me that my parents loved me before they killed themselves?!" Synergy yelled. "That was before you nearly killed my little sister." I yelled. "Y-you saved me." Amy said in disbelief. "Of course. You're my little sister. I would go to the ends of the earth to save you."
"You'll do the same for everyone else right?"
"Of course." I said.
"Of course." Lara said. I thought that after all these years, Lara would've given up on me. But she didn't. I looked in front of me and saw Synergy about to swing her sword to slice our heads off. "Look out!" I yelled as Lara and I moved out of the way. We were on opposite sides of Synergy. We stand a fighting chance. I took out my manriki, while Lara took out her kusarigammas. I charged towards Synergy, swung my manriki, and hit her square in the face. She was down.
Lara POV
She was down. I ran towards Synergy, putting her head in my arm. "Who's top dog now?" I said. "Still not you." Synergy said flipping me on my back. She picked me up and threw me into a wall. "Hey Synergy! Over here!" Amy yelled. Synergy turned around and ran over to Amy faster then the speed of light. She took out her sword. I could only fear for the worst for Amy. Then I heard her yelling. "Lara! The sword! It's fake! The falcon claws are cloaked!" Amy yelled. I was relieved that Amy was okay. But then, I suddenly realized that Synergy was right in front of Amy. "Alright. Then how would you like it if I did this?!" Synergy yelled. She grabbed Amy from the hand and swung her into the wall. "Amy!" I yelled in fear. I ran over there as fast as I could as Synergy picked up Amy up by the neck and pinned her to the wall. I was right behind Synergy. "Amy!" I yelled. Synergy turned around, and slashed me right in the face.
"Lara!" yelled a voice. Synergy turned to see who it was, and saw the others. I kicked her in stomach. Raph was running faster then ever. He ran to Lara, who's face was bleeding, her mask was gone. "Lara. C'mon. Wake up." Raph said frantically lightly slapping Lara in the face. He opened her right eye. She was still alive. Barely. We took Lara back to the lair for Donnie and Taly to heal her. Raph still had some unfinished business with Synergy. "Raph! C'mon!" Leo yelled. Raph has the most angered face I've ever seen. Mikey wrapped my arm around his shoulder and helped me back to the lair. "Taly, you think you and Donnie can fix Lara up?" Venus asked. "We'll try our hardest." Donnie said. I knew Raph was heartbroken. He loved Lara so much. It would be a shame for her to die in Donnie and Taly's arms. And if she did. Who knows what Raph could do to them.
*back at the lair*
Venus POV
Raph was pacing back and forth in front of the lab. He was so worried. He just wanted good news. I knew what would happen if either Taly or Donnie came out of the lab with their heads hanging down.
Finally, Donnie came out looking satisfied. "Donnie! Tell me! Is she alright?! What happened Donnie?! What happened?!" Raph asked shaking Donnie. "Now Raph calm down! If you stop shaking me, I'll tell you." Donnie said. Raph stopped shaking him. "She's totally fine Raph. She just~" Donnie's sentence was interrupted when Raph pushed him out of the way. He ran into the lab where he saw Taly and a beaten up Lara. With a crutch under her left arm, stitches on her face, legs, and arms, and no dark red mask. "Lara!" Raph yelled as he ran towards her. Hugging her tight. "I thought I lost you forever!" he said holding her face. Lara put her hand on his. "It's totally fine Raph. I'm okay. No need to worry." Lara said.
Lara POV
"No need to worry." I told Raph. He then had a concerned look on his face. "Wait, But your mask." Raph said. I gave him a kiss to get him off subject. "Let's not talk about that right now."

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