Dalena: Part 2

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  After what happened with Donnie earlier, I decided to try again and tell him how I felt about him.
  Once I got to the lair, I headed straight to the lab. Knowing Donnie of course, he'd would've been in there. But once I was inside the lab, Donnie was knocked out on his computer. I tried to wake him up, but once he woke up, his head hit my nose. I-it hurt...a lot. Ow. "Ugh, my nose!"
"Taly! Are you alright?!" Donnie yelled, sounding worried. "Yeah I'm fine. No need to worry." I said, trying my best to calm him down. " Are you sure? Is there anything I can do to help?" he asked. I denied it. I went to the kitchen to clean my nose.
  After a while,when my nose started to clear up, Donnie asked me to follow him. I felt bad for him when he accidentally hit my nose. He covered my eyes and we walked into a room that felt familiar. When he uncovered my eyes, I kept my eyes closed. I was so excited.  When he told me to open my eyes, I was in awe. "Well...what do you think?" Donnie asked me. I was speechless. "You don't like it. Do you?"
"Donnie, I don't like, I LOVE IT!" I squealed! "Where did you get this?" I asked him.  I started to choke up. "I didn't find it, I-I made it myself." he said while blushing. I started to cry tears of joy. And then I kissed him. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!!" I said. If you wanna know what he got me, he got me a bo-staff. "Your welcome Taly." I guess that it was time to tell him how I feel. "Donnie, when I first met you, I... I just can't find the words to say or tell you how amazing you are. And well... I just wanted say that, I love you." I had butterflies in my stomach. I wasn't sure if he'd accept it. "Taly, I... I love you too."

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