Chapter 1

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(I want to thank my friend Cj for helping me write this story. For each chapter she has been editing and giving me criticism. In honor of Cj I made a hashtag. Go check out #thxtocj)

 The day that I was left on the steps of Magnolia was a blessing and a curse.

When I was first brought to Magnolia, my father, the king said that I was just a little baby. He said that I was wrapped up in a light pastel blanket and that there was a note attached.

¨The note said....,¨

¨Please look after our little sheep."

"We know father! You tell us every year!¨ It was my sixteenth birthday today, and every year on my birthday he told that story. I became a big sister to three younger brothers and even they had memorized the story at only five years of age.

¨Why don't you ever just let me finish the story?¨ He said looking across the long dining room table.

¨Because,¨ I said getting up letting my black and blue bledlow hit the floor. ¨You tell it every year it's not that special.¨ I laughed going around to scuff my fingers through his thinning light brown hair.

¨Not that special,¨ He lifted his bushy eyebrows and widened his big eyes. ¨Lassie if you weren't on our doorstep you would have been eaten by the wolves. And besides, no other peasants would have wanted to take you in. Why they can barely feed their own family. You have been one of the best things to ever happen to us and I will keep telling that story until the day I die.¨ I rolled my eyes as I went back to sit in my velvet chair.

¨Henry!¨ My mother- Queen of Magnolia- screeched. ¨How many times have I told you, no playing with your hash.¨ My brother looked up from playing with the brown squishy sponge and said,

¨But mum I don't like hash.¨

¨Fine then,¨ she said, ¨Go to your room and stay there for the rest of the night.¨ Henry got up and slugged his way out of the dining room and down the hall. ¨Harry, Charles don't get any ideas. So Isabel, how are you liking your birthday so far.¨ I had to think. Apparently she saw the moment of silence and then said, ¨Is there something you didn't get because we can go buy it.¨

¨No, no everything has been just wonderful.¨ What else could I say? If you had the king and queen of Magnolia throw you a party you wouldn't want anything for the next three years. ¨Mum, father I think that I'm just going to go up to my room okay.¨ I said as I exited.

To get to my bedroom I had to go down the great hall, past my great grandparents portraits up the stairs and down the hall again. In this hall my room was the second door on the right. I pushed open the big wooden double doors and entered my mini castle.

From what I thought; at least three average sized homes could fit inside, and there was always room for more stuff. I sat down at my vanity and looked in the mirror. My face still looked the same from last year, and I didn't think that I had grown any more. So why was my birthday so important? I took out the dangling diamonds that had been hanging from my ears and placed them in my jewelry box. After that I took out my hair that had been done to look like a feather. Then I took off my gown, piece by piece. When I finally got down to my corset I loosened it and put on my night robe. I went around blowing out all the candles that kept my room alive at night, and went to sleep.

Tonight was different though. I had a dream. I dream that people from our enemy kingdom- Winingdows- brought me to the castle that faithful night. That they were the ones who had left the note. Of course I thought that was impossible, they wouldn't even come close to our kingdom. I rolled over a couple of times and the dream went away, but I still thought that there was more.

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