Chapter 2

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I tiptoed down the hall trying to be a quiet as possible. When I finally got outside I had to retrace my steps into the woods. Eventually after a few mis turns I found the two logs with a burning fire. I could see that Bash was sitting on one of the logs controlling it.

¨You actually decided to come.¨ Said Bash sounding surprised.

¨Yes well I want to know more. Please tell me.¨ I took a seat on the log next to him and listened.

¨A long time ago the king and queen of Winingdow had a baby; a baby girl. They were so happy. But that same night that she was born she was taken away and brought somewhere else. Nobody knows where she is or what she looks like. I remember they called her Claire. She would be sixteen now. But there was a dark secret that very few people know. When the king and queen had their baby they wanted to make it the ruler of all dark magic.¨

¨Wait wait wait. Magic. Really? There's no such thing.¨

¨That's what they thought until they came across Godfrey. He was one of the most powerful sorcerers in the world. He was the one who taught them everything. Then when they didn't need him anymore they poisoned him. One of the last things he said was, "The power will die unless there is a child." That's why they had a baby. Their magic is getting weak and that's why they are so eager to find their daughter.¨ Just then we heard a noise. It sounded like when I first heard Bash. It sounded like a stick breaking. But this time it sounded like more sticks. I saw the look on Bash's face; it wasn't good.

¨Bash!¨ I said.

Now I too could see what he was looking at. Behind him was a strong muscular man in black. I was assuming that there was one behind me too.

¨Well, well.¨ The man behind me said, ¨It looks like we have found ourselves Claire. Nice job Bash.¨

¨Bash?¨ I said as the man behind me tied my hands together with thick rope. ¨You were in on this. It was all a trap?¨ The man behind Bash started to tie him up as well.

¨Well, it looks like, we won't be needing you anymore.¨ The man said as he smashed a rock on top of Bash's head knocking him out cold. ¨Let's go Claire.¨

¨That's not even my real name! It's Isabel!"

¨No it's Claire now let's go. Caine grab the boy we don't need him spreading the word.¨

¨Alright, and what shall we do when we get back to the castle?¨

¨Why put him in the dungeon of course.¨

¨And the girl?¨

¨We will let the queen decide.¨

With that the man grabbed me and pulled me into a carriage that was just on the outskirts of Magnolia. He threw me in the back along with Bash and one of the guys got in. There was no use in yelling for help. He still had the rock in his hand and it was nighttime. I sat in silence on the ground next to Bash hoping that he would wake up. I could see that he had a little bump on the top of his head. We rode for; I don't even know how long until finally the carriage came to a halt. The man sitting in back with Bash and I took me by the arm and pulled me along. The other guy picked up Bash who was still asleep. They climbed up the stairs and two guards opened the doors.

On the inside it was very dark and congested. There were stone walls and floors. And very few pictures on the walls. To my left was, what I was assuming was, the grand hall, to my right the dining room. The man pointed up the stairs and followed me as I went along.

¨Your majesty.¨

¨Don't bother coming unless you have Claire.¨ A woman said. She was tall and slim. She was wearing a courtly renaissance dress in the colors black and gold. Her long straight black hair was put up into a high ponytail. She was staring out onto the kingdom, dark in it's glory.

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