Chapter 6

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¨Ready to go.¨Jack took me by the arm and brought me up to the bow. From there we went into a room right off the deck. Jack opened the door and motioned for me to go in. I took a seat across from the captain. On the old rustic table there was an abundant assortment of various fruits and meats.

¨I still don't know your name lassie.¨

¨It's Isabel. Now I want you to let my friend and I go.¨

¨Capt'n Bruns doesn't take no orders from anyone but himself.¨ He snarled. I watched as he stabbed an apple slice with his knife. ¨Eat. The food's not there for you to look at.¨

I reached over the table and grabbed a banana and a piece of chicken. Slowly I cut into it with my fork keeping one eye on Captain Burns. Finally after we spent three minutes in silence I asked,

¨So where are we going?¨

¨Why Oasis- the best place on earth. They say that they place is covered in pure gold. The temple of sacrifices awaits me. Of course that's why I came here I needed sacrifices. Everyone ran away but then there was you.¨

I put down my fork, ¨I want to go back to Bash.¨ I said in a hushed voice.

¨Fine. Jack!¨ He yelled.

Jack came in, ¨You called,¨

¨Yes take Isabel back to the room.¨

¨Yes Capt'n.¨ He said.

I got up and pushed in my chair. We were in open water so even if I did escape there would be nowhere to go. As I exited the room I could have sworn that Jack was smelling my sea breeze hair. When I got back to the room Bash was standing at door waiting for me.

¨So,¨ Asked Bash, ¨How did it go?¨I looked down at my feet and twisted my hands.

¨Uh good, good.¨ I felt bad lying to Bash but I didn't want him to have to bare this burden. We rode for hours passing lonely islands until finally we arrived at Oasis. The Captain ordered the ship to be docked at the port. Most of the crew got off and I sat looking out the window.

¨I'm sorry Bash. For everything.¨

¨What are you talking about?¨

¨If I hadn't gone into the woods that day, then we wouldn't have gone to Anna, she wouldn't be after us and we wouldn't be on this pirate ship!¨ I started to hysterically cry. Bash came over and held me in his arms.

Then the door flew open. Jack burst in, ¨Guys get up quick! Right now we're leaving.¨

(Sorry this chapter is so short. Chapter 7 will be much longer. Thank you so much for reading. Also if you like this story go check out A Story Unfolding)

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