Chapter 8

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¨Quick hide,¨ I said as Bash and I ducked under a table. Jack went behind the cauldron. Little creatures came down the hole on what looked like a rope ladder.

¨Nanana,¨ One of them mumbled. They were almost beige with many warts across their whole body. They were so short- around three feet. Then out of the blue, one of them motioned them to a closet as they got spheres.

¨Nanana,¨ They said as they poked Jack, Bash, and I. I felt invaded as they stabbed me with the sharp objects.

¨Wait,¨ I shouted standing up. ¨Look we aren't from here. We're sorry about intruding on your home but please let us go.¨ Still they didn't budge.

¨Nananana,¨ One of them said to each other.

¨What are they saying?¨ Said Bash.

¨I don't, I don't know.¨

¨You have magic,¨ said Bash, ¨Use it!¨ Right! I had tried to forget that awful night when Anna made me use magic on a bird. It's not that I was hiding it, I just didn't know how to do it.

¨Uh, excuse me whatever you are.¨

¨What do you want?¨ One of them said in a congested voice. I jumped back it actually worked.

¨Um well my name is Isabel and this is Bash and Jack. We uh. We- I mean Bash and I were kidnapped by Jack's crew. But Jack saved us. And as we were walking in the woods and Bash fell into your home.¨

¨Well,¨ One of them said, ¨Why don't you stay for a while and tell us more about yourself.¨ The creatures seemed trustworthy so we decided to stay. One of them put a teapot on top of the fire and another moved over a table. As we sat down the leader said,

¨So tell me Isabel, why again are you here?¨ So I told them everything. I told them about how I was the princess of Magnolia and how Anna hunted me down. I even told them about how we lied to Mary in Sea Crest. The leader Nanzo came over and put his lumpy hand on mine.

¨Princess, my dear. I know that you have been through much but let me tell you, pirates are the least of your worries. Here.¨ In my hand he placed a ring. It was small and had no diamond but it did have the word forever engraved on it. ¨It's a protective ring. If you say that Queen Anna is after you this ring will protect you.¨ I took the ring and placed it on my finger.

¨Thank you,¨ I said.

¨Yes, now quickly you must go!¨ The goblins threw up the rope ladder and we climbed out.

¨Thank you for everything,¨ I said as we left. The sun was setting and it was getting late. After we found a spot Bash offered to go and get firewood.

¨So,¨ Said Jack sitting down on a log. His hands were still locked in the handcuffs. ¨Are you and Bash a thing?¨

¨What?¨ I asked setting down a bucket of water.

¨Are you and Bash together?¨

¨No, I just- I just have gone through so much with him.¨

¨Well,¨ He said, moving closer, ¨If you're not a couple then Bash won't mind me doing this.¨ He reached behind my thick hair and pulled me in for a kiss.

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