Part 23

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As they walked toward their table Marina watched Sandy, Rhianna and Gabrielle talking. Rafe followed Marina's line of sight and was in time to see all three sisters turn to scan the room. They looked furtive, and comical!

"What do you think they are up to?" Rafe asked as he stood behind Marina and looked past her shoulder at the three women. He'd known the family for a while, and from what he could tell from the sisters' body language, they were planning something that was clearly going to get them into trouble!

"Not sure, looks like they are up to something, doesn't it." Marina confirmed his suspicions when she saw Sandy tug Gabrielle and Rhianna toward the band. "They are beautiful aren't they?" Marina remarked as Sandy, Gabrielle and Rhianna stood in a huddle and spoke to one of the band members.

"Yes." He agreed.

"I barely recognized Sandy this morning when she entered the church."


"She wasn't in her usual gear."

He smiled. "Come to think of it she's usually in jeans."

Marina and Rafe stood on the edge of the crowd. "Oh, oh." Marina muttered.

"What do you think is going on?" Rafe asked. They watched as Jonathon pointed toward Caden who had appeared in the room. Jethro headed over to the dark haired man. Jonathon, Jethro and Caden had a brief conversation then looked over at their women. It was clear they knew the three were up to something.

Marina couldn't keep the wistfulness out of her voice when she said, "Now those are impressive males!"

"Hey! Still here!" Rafe chided. Marina giggled.

Rafe and Marina watched as the three men walked toward the women who were conspirationally whispering to one of the band members. The three dark haired men walked purposefully toward the three women and reached their quarry in synchronised harmony. "Wonder what that was about." Marina said to herself. It was clear the men thought they had pre-empted something.

"Have you met Rhianna's husband before?" Rafe asked as he escorted her off the dancefloor.

Marina shook her head. "No, seen him for the first time today." She turned her head to speak to him, only to find he had bent forward to speak to her as the music amped up in volume around them. Their eyes made contact, and it was as if the scales dropped away. Rafe felt what could only be described as a bolt of lightning as he watched her tongue deftly trace her bottom lip. "I've met her sisters before, but not the guys they are with." Marina explained in a raised voice to be heard over the music. She was totally unaware of Rafe's Damascus moment.

On the dance floor the three men whispered into their partner's ear. That raised a few whistles from the onlookers, Marina turned to see what she had missed. Rafe straightened and drew in a sudden breath as he remembered to breathe. The crowd dissolved as the band suddenly changed tempo to a slow piece of music. Puzzled Marina looked back at the three sisters and saw that they were being led by their partners onto the dancefloor. Clearly the men had asked for a change in tempo. Curiouser and curiouser, Marina thought as she watched the small group.

Marina turned and headed for their table. Rafe followed in mute silence. He held out her chair for her to take her seat when they got back. But he didn't take his seat.

"Can I get you a drink?"

Marina shook her head. "Thank you. But no, thanks." She pointed toward her glass, "Haven't finished that."

That reminded him about that overheard conversation all those years ago. She really was not a drinker. No wonder she had taken umbrage when he all but implied she had been drinking the night before she was on duty. "Thanks for the dance." He knew he sounded stilted. But the last few minutes had changed everything. Everything.

"No problem." She smiled, reached for her glass, hoping to hide behind taking a sip of the now warm liquid.

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