Part 42

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There was so much Marina wanted to revisit. It was good that she had spent last night working. It had forced her to concentrate. For the moment her mind was free to think about personal matters, she became close to tears. It felt as if in the blink of an eye she had gone from seeing a happy ever after with him, to seeing a life lived alone because she had failed to tell him the truth. And, with this sudden break up she knew without a shadow of a doubt that she would remain alone, because as Isabelle and Cara had teased her over the last few months, this man was her soulmate.

Yes they were taking things slow, and she thought just confirming what they both felt.

Marina blew out a breath, "So I tell him about the centre and tell him about our financial situation and ..."

Isabelle could see that her sister was barely holding on to her composure. Her eyes were brimming with unshed tears. It was so unlike Marina to cry. She was the hardy one. That's why they had volunteered her to keep up the social front. She was the one best able to deal with people without becoming irrational or upset. Speaking gently and quietly, Isabelle said, "Explain that we had to keep things quiet. But that we are in the black now."

"What if other people don't know and when I tell him he tells everyone that we were flat broke?" Though she posed the question, Marina knew Rafe would keep a confidence. He wasn't the type use that information to hurt them. Even as that thought registered she wondered why, if she knew that, hadn't she told him everything. Before they got to this point? Why hadn't she come clean back then? Hindsight was a wonderful thing she remonstrated with herself.

"Why would he do that?" Isabelle frowned at her sister. "Going by what you've told me, that man isn't going to blab! I don't know what happened bewteen you two last night. But I do think you two need to talk." Isabelle smiled wryly and said gently with what she hoped was encouragement, "From where I'm standing that man is besotted with you!" Marina snorted. "I've seen the way he is with you. I've seen the way you are with him!" Isabelle shook her head, "And Rina to be honest he doesn't strike me as the kind of guy to kiss and tell." Marina shrugged. "Invite him round to dinner next weekend. I'll tell him about our finances." Isabelle stated bluntly.

"What?" Marina blinked.

"Well, you'd make a hash of it and panick about it! I'll tell him. I'll be straight. Explain why we did what we did, and how we did it. And then you need to tell him how you feel about him." Isabelle stated flatly. "Everyone needs to come clean! Then its up to the two of you to sort this mess out, cause Rina, I honestly don't know what happened between the two of you last night, but you don't want out, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't either! That man cares about you! So you both need to sort talk and figure out what's going on here, because I am pretty sure neither of you want to break up."


"And I think that Cara and I need to go shopping."

"What?" What did shopping have to do with telling Rafe about the Centre and explaining how they came to set it up? Isabelle could be really cryptic at the oddest of times.

"For hats for your wedding." Isabelle smiled broadly.

Marina snorted. "He's not going to marry me." Marina lamented.

"I thought you told him he was." Isabelle reminded and was relieved to see her sister's mood lighten.

"Thanks smarty pants." Marina's eyes crinkled as another wishful thought registered. 

Isabelle grinned. "Call him!" She ordered her sister.

Marina inhaled quietly, then she looked at her sister. "He might not take my call." Marina finally said.

"Call him and find out."

As it turned out, Marina did not have to call him, for within minutes of her conversation with her sister, Rafe phoned! It was a brief conversation, stilted to a certain extent. But the key thing was that he had asked to meet her that evening. He hadn't sounded terribly happy, but at least he had phoned. That had to mean something, Marina hoped.

"Belle, I'm going to take him with me tonight." Marina told her sister on the spur of the moment, having just disconnected the call.

"To the centre?" Isabelle sounded concerned. It was one thing telling someone about the centre, they could sanitise the situation, making sure the reality was presented in a rose tinted hue. But going to the centre, that allowed for no varnishing over the reality of what they did and whom it involved.

Marina nodded, "That's ok, isn't it?" If she was going to tell him about the centre then she wanted him to know exactly what they did. She wanted him to see the reality of what they did. And she was hoping that the compassionate man she knew would understand their need for secrecy. Seeing might have more of a positive impact than simply telling.

Isabelle wasn't sure whether shocking him into awareness was the best approach. But at the same time, she knew that if Marina and Rafe were to make any progress, he would need to know everything. "Ok. You need to be honest. A relationship built on lies is not a relationship I want for you. So, ok take him with you tonight."

Marina inhaled and nodded. "Ok."

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